Apache Kafka Adapter

With the Apache Kafka adapter, Transformation Extender maps can connect to a Kafka cluster to consume and produce messages. You also can configure Transformation Extender Launcher watches to detect the arrival of new messages on Kafka topics and trigger maps to process those messages.

System requirements

See the release notes for the Kafka adapter requirements.

Command overview

In maps:
  • Use adapter commands on input cards and GET functions to configure the adapter to consume messages from Kafka topics.
  • Use adapter commands on output cards and PUT functions to configure the adapter to publish messages to Kafka topics.
For example, you use the Kafka adapter commands to:
Function Adapter Command
Identify the Kafka cluster that the adapter connects to -SRV
Identify the topic to consume from or produce to -TP
Identify a consumer group or requesting application -GID
Tune message delivery -CT
Configure message delivery verification -ACK
Specify security protocol -SP
Control logical message size -LMM
Specify message offset within a partition -OCS
Override Kafka configuration options at run time -APF
Process Launcher events synchronously -SYNC
Control error handling and logging -ETP

Many Kafka adapter commands are based on Apache Kafka consumer or producer configurations. Those adapter command descriptions include the name of the related Apache Kafka configuration. See the Apache Kafka documentation for details.

Apache Kafka adapter command aliases

Use KAFKA as the adapter command alias on input and output cards and in GET and PUT rules. For example:
Input source override execution command -IAKAFKA card_num
Output target override execution command -OAKAFKA card_num

Headers for data payloads

You can specify the optional -HDR command to prepend one of the following header versions to the messages. The numbers in brackets denote the number of bytes:
  • [4] is 32-bit int
  • [8] is 64-bit int
Header structure
[4]             Total header size (excluding this field): 2*4 + size(key)
[4]             Header Version: 1
[4]key          Key size followed by the key value
[4]             Total header size (excluding this field): 4*4 + 2*8 + size(key) + size(topic)
[4]             Header Version: 2
[4]key          Key size followed by the key value
[4]topic        Topic size followed by the topic
[4]             Partition number
[8]             Offset
[8]             Timestamp
[4]             Total header size (excluding this field): 4*4 + 2*8 + size(key) + size(topic) + sum(2*4 + size(hkey_i) + size(hvalue_i))
[4]             Header Version: 3
[4]key          Key size followed by the key value
[4]topic        Topic size followed by the topic
[4]             Partition number
[8]             Offset
[8]             Timestamp
[4]             The size of the Kafka headers section (excluding this field), followed by an array of Kafka header key, value pairs in the following format:
   [4]hkey      Kafka header key size followed by Kafka header key 
   [4]hvalue    Kafka header value size followed by Kafka header value
The message header is always followed by the payload size and payload content:
[4]payload	Payload size followed by payload content