radioGroup - Radio Button Group

Displays multiple buttons that can be selected or cleared. Only one button in the group can be selected.


Core Controls


<xp:radioGroup attributes>content</xp:radioGroup>
Table 1. Embedded controls
Control Description
selectItem Provides one item for user selection.
selectItems Provides one or more items for user selection.
Table 2. Essential properties
Property Description
id Defaults to radioGroup1, radioGroup2, and so on.
text Provides a label.
value Binds the control to a data element or other value.


At run time, one or more radio buttons appear on the page. The user can select one button. When a button is selected, any other button selected is cleared.


This Radio Button Group control presents two items for selection.
<xp:radioGroup id="radioGroup1" value="#{document1.fruit}" layout="pageDirection">
	<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Apples" itemValue="apples"></xp:selectItem>
	<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Oranges" itemValue="oranges"></xp:selectItem>
This Radio Button Group control presents two items for selection using a formula.
<xp:radioGroup id="radioGroup1" value="#{document1.fruit}"
			<![CDATA[#{javascript:return new Array("Apples|apples", "Oranges|oranges")}]]>
This Check Box Group gets its item selections from the values in a view column.
<xp:radioGroup id="radioGroup1" value="#{document1.fruit}"
			<![CDATA[#{javascript:var list = @DbColumn("", "fruits", 1);
			return @Explode(list,",")}]]>

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