FileOpenDBRepID @Command (Formula Language)

Opens the specified database to the specified view, highlighting the first document whose value in the sort column matches the key. You specify a database using its replica ID, and Notes/Domino searches the workspace and all servers available in the current session to find a replica.


@Command( [FileOpenDBRepID] ; replicaID ; serverHint ; viewName ; key ; newInstance ; temporary )


@Command( [FileOpenDBRepID] ; replicaID ; serverHint ; navigator ; solo ; newInstance ; temporary )



Text. The replica ID of the database you want to open. You can see the replica ID for a database in its InfoBox.


Text. Optional. The name of a server where the database might reside. Notes/Domino checks this server for the replica before checking other servers only if the database was not accessible from a workspace icon.


Text. Optional. The name of the view that you want to open in the database. If you omit the name of the view, the database opens to its default view, or if the user has opened the database before, to the last view used by that person.


Text. Optional. Indicates which document you want Notes/Domino to scroll to when it opens viewName. The key is a value that appears in the first sorted column of viewName. If you omit the key, no document is selected.


Number. Optional. Specify "1" if you want the view to always open in a new window, even if there's already a window open for the database. Specify an empty string ("") if you want the new window opened only when it's actually needed.


Number. Optional. Specify "1" if you want the database opened on a temporary basis for browsing, without adding the database to the user's workspace. Specify an empty string ("") if you want to add the database to the user's workspace.


Text. Optional. The name of a navigator defined for the database. On opening the database, Notes® displays this navigator.


Number. Optional. A value of "1" instructs Notes to open the navigator named by navigator in its own window.


FileOpenDBRepID is useful whenever you want to write a formula for users working on several different replicas of the same database. Libraries, for example, use this command to open a database from the library.

FileOpenDBRepID looks for the replica in the following order:

This command does not work on the Web.


This formula opens the first database that Notes/Domino finds with the replica ID 85255F1E:004F2CEB, to the All by Category view.
@Command( [FileOpenDBRepID] ; "85255F1E:004F2CEB";
   ""; "All by Category" )

Language cross-reference

OpenByReplicaID method of LotusScript® NotesDatabase class

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