EditInsertFileAttachment @Command (Formula Language)

Attaches a file to a document.


@Command( [EditInsertFileAttachment] )


@Command( [EditInsertFileAttachment] ; file ; compress ; append ; deleteexisting ; deletefile )



Text. Optional. The name of the file you want to attach. Be sure to include the complete path specification (appropriate to the user's operating system).


Text. Optional. Specify "1" (default) if you want to compress the attachment. Specify "0" if you do not.


Text. Optional. Specify "1" if you want to append the attachment. Specify "0" (default) if you want to insert it at the current position.

Note: This parameter is new with Release 8.5.1.


Text. Optional. Specify "1" if you want to delete the same existing attachment. Specify "0" (default) if you do not.

Note: This parameter is new with Release 8.5.1.


Text. Optional. Specify "1" if you want to delete the base file. Specify "0" (default) if you do not.

Note: This parameter is new with Release 8.5.1.

Without a file parameter, displays the Create Attachment dialog box. If a file is specified, attaches that file to the document without opening the Create Attachment dialog box.


A document must be open in Edit mode with the insertion point in a rich text field.

This command does not work on the Web.

If using this command in a hotspot button or any other element that causes a change in focus, the EditGoToField or EditTop command must be used first to return the focus to the document. The document must be in Edit mode.


  1. This formula displays the Create Attachment dialog box.
    @Command( [EditInsertFileAttachment] )
  2. This formula attaches the 1-2-3® for Macintosh worksheet "Budget96" to the document.
    @Command( [EditInsertFileAttachment] ; "Worksheets:Budget96" )

Language cross-reference

EmbedObject method of LotusScript® NotesRichTextItem class

embedObject method of Java™ RichTextItem class

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