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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1


Encodes a string into a URL-safe format.


@URLEncode( encodingFormat ; token )



Text. The type of encoding you want to use to translate the token. You can specify either a string argument or a MIME character set.

String arguments:

MIME character set:

Converts non-ASCII characters into the specified character set and encodes the characters into %XX format, where XX is a hexadecimal digit representing the encoded value. Some examples include:


Text or text list. URL string(s) to be encoded.

Return value


Text or text list. Returns the URL string(s) encoded in the specified encoding format.


Do not use @URLEncode to encode an entire URL string. For example, @URLEncode("Domino";"http://www.ibm.com/") returns "http%3A%2Fwww.ibm.com%2F," which would not link successfully to the desired website.

See examples

Examples: @URLEncode
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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009