ZIIPMODE control statement

Specifies whether HSSR engine offloads eligible VSAM ESDS I/O or OSAM LDS I/O workloads to zIIP processors.

This control statement is optional. The default is ZIIPMODE=NEVER.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramZIIPMODE=NEVERCOND
Offloads VSAM ESDS I/O or OSAM LDS I/O workloads to zIIP processors when all of the following conditions are met:
  • zIIP processor are available.
  • The SGLXLOAD library of IMS Tools Base is specified to the STEPLIB or JOBLIB.
  • VSAM ESDS is to be read using Media Manager. Media Manager is available only when the STEPLIB libraries are all APF-authorized. For more information, see DD statements.
If any of these conditions is not satisfied, the job runs using the main CPs.
Does not offload any workload to zIIP processors. NEVER is the default to avoid unexpected performance degradation.
Tip: You can change the default value of this control statement by creating an Installation Default Option Table (HPSCOPTI). For more information, see Setting installation default options.