DD names common to all processing options

This topic describes DD names that are common to all processing options.

Points to the following library data sets:
  • IMS Tools product libraries:
    • IMS Database Reorganization Expert load module library (required)
    • IMS HP Unload load module library (required)
    • IMS HP Load load module library (required)
    • IMS Index Builder load module library (optional)
    • IMS Library Integrity Utilities load module library (optional)
    • IMS HP Image Copy load module library (optional)
    • IMS HP Pointer Checker load module library (optional)
    • IMS HP Prefix Resolution load module library (optional)
    • IMS Tools Online System Interface load module library (optional)
    • The SHKTLOAD library of IMS Tools Base (optional). This library contains the load modules for IMS Tools KB, Policy Services, and Autonomics Director.
      Tip: You can specify the library in the ITKBLOAD control statement instead of including it in the STEPLIB concatenation. However, when you use the CRSS or Autonomics Director, you must include the load module library of IMS Tools KB in the STEPLIB concatenation.
    • The SGLXLOAD library of IMS Tools Base (optional)
  • IMS RESLIB library (required)
  • The library that contains DFSMDA members for dynamic allocation (optional)
    Note: If you specify this library on the IMSDALIB DD statement, it is highly recommended that you remove the library from the STEPLIB concatenation.
  • The load module library that contains user routines (optional)
  • The library that contains the Installation Default Option Table (HPSGOPTI) (optional)

IMS Tools product libraries must be concatenated before the IMS RESLIB library.

If you specify one or more of the following options, the libraries that are specified on the STEPLIB DD statement must be APF-authorized:
If none of these options are specified and if any of the libraries are not APF-authorized, the Smart Reorg utility applies HPIO=NO and continues processing. In this case, the DFSRESLB DD statement is required.
Points to the authorized library that contains IMS SVC modules. For an IMS Database Reorganization Expert job, IMS RESLIB library and any data set that is concatenated to it on the DFSRESLB DD statement must be APF-authorized. For details, see the topic that explains how to specify the DFSRESLB DD statement in IMS batch procedures in IMS System Definition.
Describes the library containing the DBD that is specified by the DBD= subparameter of the PARM parameter for HPSGMAIN and the DBD that is used when the database is unloaded. This data set must reside on a direct-access device. For details, see Considerations for DBD libraries.

If the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IMS DD statement is ignored.

new_dbdlib DD
Describes the optional DBD library containing the DBD that is to be used when the database is reloaded and when the indexes are rebuilt by INDEXBLD=YES or PSINDEXBLD=YES. This data set must reside on a direct-access device. For details, see Considerations for DBD libraries.
Specifies the partitioned data set or data sets that contain dynamic allocation members for the database data sets of non-HALDB and RECON data sets.

If DBRC is active and the IMSDALIB control statement is present, IMSDALIB is always referred to by DBRC, and DBRC determines the data sets to allocate for each RECON DD.

For the database data sets of non-HALDB, IMSDALIB is referred to only when the dynamic allocation of the original data sets is requested by the DYNALLOC control statement. For details, see DYNALLOC control statement. Dynamic allocation of database data sets is attempted in the following order:
  1. Dynamic allocation members in the IMSDALIB concatenation
  2. Dynamic allocation members in JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation
In the Data Set Information report, the table named DATA SETS USED BY EACH TASK shows how the database and index data sets are allocated. For details, see Data Set Information report.
Note: The library containing the DFSMDA member of TYPE=CATDSHLQ must be concatenated to the STEPLIB DD statement.
original_dbds DD
Defines the database data set when the database to be reorganized is not a HALDB. One statement of this type must be present for each data set in the DBD that describes the database. The DD name must match the DD name in the DBD.

For HIDAM database, DD statements must also exist for the data sets that represent the index. DD statements that relate to the index must contain DD names specified in the DBD for the index database.

If a data set is specified, it must reside on a direct-access device. If you use dynamic allocation, do not code the DD statement for database data sets. You must not specify the DD statements for HALDB data sets because HALDB data sets are registered in RECON and are always allocated dynamically. For details, see Considerations for database data sets.

If the DD statement is coded, you must not code DCB=BUFNO=n or AMP='BUFND=n' to request access method buffers for database data sets because HSSR Engine of IMS HP Unload allocates its own buffer pools.

Describes the data set that contains the buffer pool information required by the IMS DL/I buffer handler. This data set, when not specified, is created dynamically by IMS Database Reorganization Expert. Therefore, generally, do not specify this data set.

If you want to provide this data set, you should specify the minimum required number of buffers in the DFSVSAMP data set because IMS Database Reorganization Expert does not use the buffers allocated with the parameters specified in this data set. Otherwise, a larger number of the region size is required to run IMS Database Reorganization Expert.

However, you should specify sufficient DL/I buffers in DFSVSAMP when you specify the BLDLPCK=YES control statement for Unload task because DL/I calls are issued internally to build LPCKs in that case. The typical DFSVSAMP definitions should be used in tuning the processing of these internal DL/I calls.

If you want XTIOT (extended task input/output table) to be used for dynamically allocating each HALDB data set, code the DBALLABOVE statement in the DFSVSAMP DD statement. For more information, see DYNALLOC control statement.

Defines DBRC RECON data sets. RECON data sets must be the same as the ones the online system is using. Do not use these RECON data set DD names if you want to have them allocated dynamically. IBM® recommends that you have IMS Database Reorganization Expert allocate these data sets dynamically.
Defines an optional data set that contains control statements that specify options for Reorganization Manager, Unload task, Reload task, Index Builder task, and Prefix Resolution task. For details, see Smart Reorg control statements.
Points to the IMS.PROCLIB data set. If you specify DFSDF=ccc in the EXEC statement, you must also specify this DD statement and ensure that the DFSDFccc member exists in the IMS.PROCLIB data set.
Defines the control statement data set to be used in an IMS-managed ACBs environment. STAGING is the only valid keyword and is applied when REORGINPUT=ULDS is specified in the (REORG) block of the HPSIN data set. The keyword specifies to obtain the database definition from the IMS catalog staging data sets and not from the IMS catalog directory data sets.
Defines the control data set that contains the data that the Pre-reorganization utility generates. You must specify this DD statement if you use the Post-reorganization utility for post-reorganization processing. This data set must reside on a direct-access device.
Specifies the partitioned data set that contains IDCAMS commands for deleting and allocating each shadow space. This data set is optional and is used if SPACEALLOC=YES is specified. For details, see SPACEALLOC control statement.
Defines the optional data set that contains IDCAMS commands for deleting and allocating DASD space for output data sets. For details, see SPACEALLOC control statement.

This DD statement is mutually exclusive with the DDEFPDS2 DD statement.

Defines the primary statistics output data set. The data set contains reports and statistics produced by the Unload and Reload tasks. The data set can reside on a tape, a direct-access device, or it can be routed through the output stream. If the DD statement is not coded, it is dynamically allocated to the SYSOUT stream of the output class that is specified by the MSGCLASS parameter on the JOB statement. For details, see HPSOUT data set.
Defines the secondary statistics output data set. The data set contains reports and statistics produced by Reorganization Manager. The data set can reside on a tape, a direct-access device, or it can be routed through the output stream. If the DD statement is not coded, it is dynamically allocated to the SYSOUT stream of the output class that is specified by the MSGCLASS parameter on the JOB statement. For details, see HPSOUT2 data set.
Defines the optional data set that contains the Database Diagnosis report or the Partition Diagnosis report that is generated by the conditional reorganization job.
Defines the optional data set that contains journal messages issued by DB Analyzer and DB Sensor.
Defines the optional data set that contains journal messages issued by Policy Services. For information about allocating this data set, see the topic "Journal report overview" in the IMS Tools Base Policy Services User's Guide and Reference.
Start of changeBBEERROR DDEnd of change
Start of changeDefines the optional data set that contains the Data Set Allocation Error - KEYLABEL report or the Data Set Deletion Error - KEYLABEL report that is generated by the conditional reorganization job.End of change
shadow_dbds DD
Defines data sets for the output shadow database to which the database is reloaded.

For HIDAM or PHIDAM database, DD statements must also exist for the data sets that represent the shadow primary index. For PHDAM or PHIDAM database, DD statements must also exist for the data sets that represent the shadow ILDSs if ILDSBLD=NO is not specified.

If you use dynamic allocation for shadow data sets, do not code the DD statements.

The data set must reside on a direct-access device. For details about how DD names for shadow database data sets are determined, see Considerations for database data sets.

Defines the optional output data set that contains IDCAMS command stream for data set name swapping. The command stream is produced only when manual name swapping is necessary. Also when any error occurs during the automated name swapping and the backout processing is not done by Smart Reorg utility, the IDCAMS command stream for the manual backout processing is produced in this data set. The data set is intended to be used as the SYSIN data set for the IDCAMS utility in another job step.
Defines the optional output data set that contains the DBRC Notification Command Stream report. The command stream is produced only when manual name swapping is needed. The data set is intended to be used as the SYSIN data set for the DSPURX00 utility in another job step.
Defines the optional snap dump data set. If DBDSNAP=YES is coded in the (RELOAD) block but this DD statement is not coded, it is dynamically allocated to the SYSOUT stream of the same output class as the MSGCLASS that is specified on the JOB statement. For details, see HPSSNAP data set.
Defines the optional output data set that contains IMS DBRC error messages from DBRC API requests. If this DD statement is not coded, it is dynamically allocated to the SYSOUT stream of the output class that is specified by the MSGCLASS parameter on the JOB statement.
Defines the dump data set. Most errors encountered end the program by issuing an ABEND macro with the DUMP operand. Only a SYSUDUMP DD statement is needed, the SYSABEND DD statement is not required.