DSNZPARM Storage Parameters

This panel shows virtual storage allocations for the DB2® buffer pools and the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool. It shows the name of the DSNZPARM module that is specified for DB2 startup and the date on which the module is assembled. It also shows a list of the default values of the DB2 application.

If a field is not available for the current DB2 release, the string N/A is displayed. For other conditions, for example, if specific DB2 traces are not started or control block data is not available, the string N/P is displayed.

Start of change
4:35:52 PM:  ________________ ZPSTG    VTM     O2       V540.#P SC11 S 07/07/16 16:35:51 2  
>       Help PF1      Back PF3      Left PF10      Right PF11                   
> R.H.G                                                                         
>       DSNZPARM INFORMATION:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.        

>  M-APPL      N-DATA      O-PERF      P-BUFFERPOOL    Q-OTHERS                 
>                         DSNZPARM STORAGE PARAMETERS                           
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                SNAPTIME: 07/07/16 16:35:51.89  
+ DSNZPARM Module                                 DSNZPARM                      
+ Assembly Date                                   04/14/16                      
+ Initial Module                                  DSNZPARM                      
+ Assembly Date                                   04/14/16                      
+ Previous Module                                 DSNZPARM                      
+ Assembly Date                                   04/14/16                      
+ DSNTIPC-Storage Sizes                                                         
+ Max Open Dataset (DSMAX)                           20000                      
+ EDM Statement Cache (EDMSTMTC)                 116107264                      
+ EDM DBD Cache (EDMDBDC)                         23961600                      
+ (EDM_SKELETON_POOL)                             83886080                      
+ EDM Limit Below the Bar (EDMPOOL)                    N/A                      
+ Sort Pool Size (SRTPOOL)                        10240000                      
+ (MAXSORT_IN_MEMORY)                                 1000                      
+ RID Pool Size (MAXRBLK)                        409600000                      
+ DSNTIPD-Sizes                                                                 
+ (LOB_INLINE_LENGTH)                                    0                      
+ User LOB Value STG (LOBVALA)                         N/A                      
+ System LOB Value STG (LOBVALS)                       N/A                      
+ User XML Value STG (XMLVALA)                         N/A                      
+ System XML Value STG (XMLVALS)                       N/A                      
End of change


For additional information about
  • related topics, select one of the options on the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


The DSNZ command displays the following lines to reflect the usage of the DB2 SET SYSPARM command. To each of these lines, the corresponding date on which this particular module is assembled is displayed.

The name of the DSNZPARM module that is specified for DB2 startup.
Initial Module
The name of the initial DSNZPARM load module.
Previous Module
The name of the previous DSNZPARM load module.
Assembly Date
The date on which this module was assembled.
DSNTIPC-Storage Sizes
Max Open Dataset (DSMAX) (QWP4DSMX)
The maximum number of concurrently open data sets before deferred close.
This value is not an absolute limit. It is rather a target level of maximum open data sets that is used by the Deferred Close process of DB2. The practical limit depends on available storage below 16MB.
Valid values:
EDM Statement Cache (EDMSTMTC) (QWP4ESTC)
The maximum size (in KB) of the statement cache that can be used by EDM. This value is either the DB2 startup value or a value (above the DB2 startup value) that you can specify with the SET SYSPARM command.
The minimum size (in KB) of the DBD cache that can be used by EDM. This value is either the DB2 startup value or a value (above the DB2 startup value) that you can specify with the SET SYSPARM command.
Start of changeEDM Limit Below the Bar (EDMPOOL) (QWP4EDPL)End of change
Start of changeMaximum size of the EDM Pool that is in below-the-bar storage. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.End of change
The EDM skeleton pool size in bytes (K=1024 bytes, M=1024 x 1024 bytes).
Sort Pool Size (SRTPOOL) (QWP4SPOL)
The size of the sort pool, KB.
The maximum in-memory sort size. DB2 11 and later.
The maximum number of RID blocks in bytes. If this value is zero, access path selections that require the RID pool (including List Prefetch and hybrid joins) will not be used.
The default number of bytes of a LOB that are stored in the base table.
Start of changeUser LOB Value STG (LOBVALA) (QWP1LVA)End of change
Start of changeThe maximum number of kilobytes that a user can use to store LOB values. This field corresponds to field "User LOB Value Storage" on installation panel DSNTIP7. DB2 10 and DB2 11 onlyEnd of change
Start of changeSystem LOB Value STG (LOBVALS) (QWP1LVS)End of change
Start of changeThe maximum number of megabytes that a subsystem can use to store LOB values. This field corresponds to field "System Value Storage" in DSN6SYSP. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.End of change
Start of changeUser XML Value STG (XMLVALA) (QWP1XVA)End of change
Start of changeMaximum amount of memory in KB for each user for storing XML values. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.End of change
Start of changeSystem XML Value STG (XMLVALS) (QWP1XVS)End of change
Start of changeMaximum amount of memory in MB for the system for storing XML values. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.End of change
