Powering off the IBM PureData System for Analytics N200x system

About this task

To power off an IBM® PureData® System for Analytics N200x system, complete the following steps:


  1. Log in to the host server (ha1) as root.
    Note: Do not use the su command to become root.
  2. Identify the active host in the cluster, which is the host where the nps resource group is running:
    [root@nzhost1 ~]# crm_resource -r nps -W
    crm_resource[5377]: 2009/06/07_10:13:12 info: Invoked: crm_resource 
    -r nps -W
    resource nps is running on: nzhost1
  3. Log in to the active host (nzhost1 in this example) as the nz user.
  4. Check to see if Call Home is enabled, and if so, disable it.
    1. Check if Call Home is enabled:
      [nz@nzhost1 ~]$ nzOpenPmr --status
    2. If Call Home is enabled, disable it:
      [nz@nzhost1 ~]$ nzOpenPmr --off
  5. On the active host (nzhost1 in this example), run the following command to stop the Netezza® server:
    [nz@nzhost1 ~]$ nzstop
  6. Log in as root to ha1 and type the following commands to stop the clustering processes:
    [root@nzhost1 ~]# ssh ha2 'service heartbeat stop'
    [root@nzhost1 ~]# service heartbeat stop
  7. As root on the standby host (nzhost2 in this example), run the following command to shut down the host:
    [root@nzhost2 ~]# shutdown -h now

    The system displays a series of messages as it stops processes and other system activity. When it finishes, it displays the message power down which indicates that it is now safe to turn off the power to the server.

  8. Press the power button on Host 2 (located in the front of the cabinet) to power down that Netezza host.
  9. On host 1, shut down the Linux operating system using the following command:
    [root@nzhost1 ~]# shutdown -h now

    The system displays a series of messages as it stops processes and other system activity. When it finishes, it displays the message power down which indicates that it is now safe to turn off the power to the server.

  10. Press the power button on Host 1 (located in the front of the cabinet) to power down that Netezza host.
  11. Switch off the power to the two PDUs located in the rear of the cabinet at the bottom. Make sure that you switch off both power controls. (Repeat this steps for each rack of a multi-rack system.)