[Java programming language only]

Tuning Java virtual machines

You must take into account several specific aspects of Java™ virtual machine (JVM) tuning for WebSphere® eXtreme Scale best performance. In most cases, few or no special JVM settings are required. If many objects are being stored in the data grid, adjust the heap size to an appropriate level to avoid running out of memory.

IBM eXtremeMemory

By configuring eXtremeMemory, you can store objects in native memory instead of on the Java heap. Configuring eXtremeMemory enables eXtremeIO, a new transport mechanism. By moving objects off the Java heap, you can avoid garbage collection pauses, leading to more constant performance and predicable response times. For more information, see Configuring IBM eXtremeMemory.

If you are using eXtremeMemory with gencon garbage collection, consider setting the garbage collection nursery size to 75% of the heap size. You can set the nursery size with the -Xmn JVM argument.

Tested platforms

Performance testing occurred primarily on AIX® (32 way), Linux® (four way), and Windows (eight way) computers. With high-end AIX computers, you can test heavily multi-threaded scenarios to identify and fix contention points.

Garbage collection

WebSphere eXtreme Scale creates temporary objects that are associated with each transaction, such as request and response, and log sequence. Because these objects affect garbage collection efficiency, tuning garbage collection is critical.

All modern JVMs use parallel garbage collection algorithms, which means that using more cores can reduce pauses in garbage collection. A physical server with eight cores has a faster garbage collection than a physical with four cores.

When the application must manage a large amount of data for each partition, then garbage collection might be a factor. A read mostly scenario performs even with large heaps (20 GB or more) if a generational collector is used. However, after the tenure heap fills, a pause proportional to the live heap size and the number of processors on the computer occurs. This pause can be large on smaller computers with large heaps.

IBM virtual machine for Java garbage collection

For the IBM virtual machine for Java, use the optavgpause collector for high update rate scenarios (100% of transactions modify entries). The gencon collector works much better than the optavgpause collector for scenarios where data is updated relatively infrequently (10% of the time or less). Experiment with both collectors to see what works best in your scenario. Run with verbose garbage collection turned on to check the percentage of the time that is being spent collecting garbage. Scenarios have occurred where 80% of the time is spent in garbage collection until tuning fixed the problem.

Use the -Xgcpolicy parameter to change the garbage collection mechanism. The value of the -Xgcpolicy parameter can be set to: -Xgcpolicy:gencon or -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause, depending on which garbage collector you want to use.
Tip: Use the gencon garbage collection policy, unless you are using memory-based eviction.
  • In a WebSphere Application Server configuration, set the -Xgcpolicy parameter in the administrative console. Click Servers > Application servers > server_name > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine. Add the parameter in the Generic JVM arguments field.
  • In a stand-alone configuration, pass the -jvmArgs parameter to the start server script to specify the garbage collector. The -jvmArgs parameter must be the last parameter that is passed to the script.

Other garbage collection options

Attention: If you are using an Oracle JVM, adjustments to the default garbage collection and tuning policy might be necessary.

WebSphere eXtreme Scale supports WebSphere Real Time Java. With WebSphere Real Time Java, the transaction processing response for WebSphere eXtreme Scale is more consistent and predictable. As a result, the impact of garbage collection and thread scheduling is greatly minimized. The impact is reduced to the degree that the standard deviation of response time is less than 10% of regular Java.

Heap size

The recommendation is 1 to 2 GB heaps with a JVM per four cores. The optimum heap size number depends on the following factors:
  • Number of live objects in the heap.
  • Complexity of live objects in the heap.
  • Number of available cores for the JVM.

For example, an application that stores 10 K byte arrays can run a much larger heap than an application that uses complex graphs of POJOs.


When running on Solaris, you must choose between a 32-bit or a 64-bit environment. If you do not specify either version, then the JVM runs as a 32-bit environment. If you are running WebSphere eXtreme Scale on Solaris and you encounter a heap size limit, then the -d64 option should be used to force the JVM to run in 64-bit mode which will support heap sizes greater than 3.5 GB.

Thread count

The thread count depends on a few factors. A limit exists for how many threads a single shard can manage. A shard is an instance of a partition, and can be a primary or a replica. With more shards for each JVM, you have more threads with each additional shard providing more concurrent paths to the data. Each shard is as concurrent as possible although there is a limit to the concurrency.

Object Request Broker (ORB) requirements

Deprecated featureDeprecated: The Object Request Broker (ORB) is deprecated. If you were not using the ORB in a previous release, use IBM eXtremeIO (XIO) for your transport mechanism. If you are using the ORB, consider migrating your configuration to use XIO.

The IBM SDK includes an IBM ORB implementation that has been tested with WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere eXtreme Scale. To ease the support process, use an IBM-provided JVM. Other JVM implementations use a different ORB. The IBM ORB is only supplied with IBM-provided Java virtual machines. WebSphere eXtreme Scale requires a working ORB to operate. You can use WebSphere eXtreme Scale with ORBs from other vendors. However, if you have a problem with a vendor ORB, you must contact the ORB vendor for support. The IBM ORB implementation is compatible with third partyJava virtual machines and can be substituted if needed.

orb.properties tuning

In the lab, the following file was used on data grids of up to 1500 JVMs. The orb.properties file is in the lib folder of the runtime environment.
# IBM JDK properties for ORB

# WS Interceptors

# WS ORB & Plugins properties

# Needed when lots of JVMs connect to the catalog at the same time

# Clients and the catalog server can have sockets open to all JVMs

# Thread Pool for handling incoming requests, 200 threads here

# No splitting up large requests/responses in to smaller chunks