Introduction: Starting and configuring the eXtreme Scale server and container to run plug-ins in the OSGi framework

In this tutorial you start an eXtreme Scale server in the OSGi framework, start an eXtreme Scale container, and wire the sample plug-ins with eXtreme Scale runtime environment.

Learning objectives

After completing the lessons in this tutorial you will understand the OSGi sample concepts and know how to complete the following objectives:
  • Install the WebSphere® eXtreme Scale server bundle into the OSGi container to start the eXtreme Scale server.
  • Set up your eXtreme Scale development environment to run the sample client.
  • Use the xscmd command to query the service ranking of the sample bundle, upgrade it to a new service ranking, and verify the new service ranking.

Time required

This tutorial takes approximately 60 minutes to finish. If you explore other concepts related to this tutorial, it might take longer to complete.

Skill level



Developers and administrators who want to build, install, and run eXtreme Scale bundles into the OSGi framework.

System requirements


To complete this tutorial, you must download the sample, and extracted it into the wxs_home/samples directory. The root directory for the OSGi sample is wxs_home/samples/OSGiProto.

Expected results

When you complete this tutorial, you will have installed the sample bundles and run an eXtreme Scale client to insert data into the grid. You can also expect to query and update those sample bundles using the dynamic capabilities that the OSGi container provides.
Related conceptsOSGi framework overview[Java programming language only]OSGi defines a dynamic module system for Java. The OSGi service platform has a layered architecture, and is designed to run on various standard Java profiles. You can start WebSphere eXtreme Scale servers and clients in an OSGi container.Related tasksInstalling the Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework with Eclipse Gemini for clients and servers If you want to deploy WebSphere eXtreme Scale in the OSGi framework, then you must set up the Eclipse Equinox Environment.Related referenceServer properties fileThe server properties file contains several properties that define different settings for your server, such as trace settings, logging, and security configuration. The server properties file is used by both catalog service and container servers in both stand-alone servers and servers that are hosted in WebSphere Application Server.