Developing healthcare integration solutions by using the patterns supplied in IBM App Connect for Healthcare

Use the built-in patterns to integrate applications that use healthcare resources.

A built-in pattern is a pattern that covers a set of commonly encountered message flow scenarios and that is packaged and released with IBM® App Connect Enterprise and IBM App Connect Enterprise connectivity packs.

The built-in patterns that are supplied in IBM App Connect for Healthcare are shown in the following table.

Warning: The pattern documentation contains links that enable you to import resources into your workspace. These links work only when you access the pattern from the Patterns Explorer in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.

Clinical patterns

Pattern name Description
Healthcare: FHIR Generate Example Data The Healthcare: FHIR Generate Example Data pattern enables you to create integration solutions that conform to the HL7® FHIR® standard.
Healthcare: FHIR Validation The Healthcare: FHIR Validation pattern provides an application to validate and convert HL7 FHIR standard resources.
Healthcare: Healthcare Resources The Healthcare: Healthcare Resources pattern enables you to import predefined resources into your Toolkit workspace. You can import message models for a variety of open healthcare standards.
Healthcare: HL7 to FHIR The Healthcare: HL7 to FHIR pattern provides an example application that receives HL7 v2 messages by using Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) over TCP/IP, and transforms them into HL7 FHIR standard resources. The FHIR output resources are validated, then written to a local file output directory.
Healthcare: HL7 Generate Example Data The Healthcare: HL7 Generate Example Data pattern generates graphical data maps or ESQL code that you can use to assemble HL7 messages.
Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 DFDL The Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 DFDL pattern integrates an application that can send HL7 (version 2.7, 2.6, 2.5.1 or earlier) messages to one or more applications that can receive HL7 messages. The applications must be able to send and receive the messages by using MLLP over TCP/IP.
Healthcare: Web Service to DICOM The Healthcare: Web Service to DICOM pattern integrates an application that is written using web services with DICOM applications that support C-FIND and C-MOVE operations. You can use the pattern to query patients, studies, series, and images from a DICOM PACS using a web service that is implemented by IBM App Connect Enterprise.
Healthcare: HIPAA to XML The Healthcare: HIPAA to XML pattern creates a messages flow that you can use to convert HIPAA files to XML files.
Healthcare: Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager The Healthcare: Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager pattern enables you to create a Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager that you can use as part of the IHE PIX profile.
Healthcare: Patient Demographics Query Supplier The Healthcare: Patient Demographics Query Supplier pattern enables you to create a Patient Demographics Supplier that you can use as part of the IHE PDQ profile.
Healthcare: Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing Consumer Use the Healthcare: Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing Consumer pattern to find document Unique Universal Identifiers (UUIDs) stored in an XDS registry and then use the UUID to retrieve those documents from the XDS repository.

For more information about using patterns, see Developing integration solutions by using patterns in the IBM App Connect Enterprise product documentation.