Creating an integration server work directory by using the mqsicreateworkdir command

To create a work directory to be used by an independent integration server, use the mqsicreateworkdir command.


  1. Open a command window for your current installation.
  2. Create a work directory for your independent integration server, by running the mqsicreateworkdir command, specifying the full path to the directory that you want to create.
    For example:
    mqsicreateworkdir c:\myaceworkdir\myserver
    This command creates the specified work directory, which contains a default configuration file called server.conf.yaml. This YAML file contains the default settings for your new integration server. The command also creates subdirectories, which will be used by the integration server when it is running. These include a log directory and a run directory. The log directory contains files of log messages, which can be used to review the status of your integration server. The run directory is where you can place your BAR files prior to starting your integration server, or while it is running. The resources from the BAR file are extracted and started by the integration server.

    If you have a BAR file with resources that contain graphical data maps, XML schemas, or DFDL schemas, these resources can be compiled using the mqsibar command, prior to starting the integration server. This precompilation reduces the time that it takes for the deployed application to start processing messages.

    See the mqsicreateworkdir command for more information.

  3. Configure your integration server by setting properties in the server.conf.yaml file, as described in Configuring an integration server by modifying the server.conf.yaml file.


The integration server is created and the updated server.conf.yaml configuration file is stored in integration server's subdirectory in the file system.

What to do next

You can now start the integration server by running the IntegrationServer command, as described in Starting an integration server.

You can deploy resources to your integration server, as described in Deploying integration solutions.