Configuring JMS and SOAP nodes for local transactions

When you include a node that uses JMS transport in a message flow, such as the JMSInput or SOAPInput node, the options that you select for the properties define behavior for the coordinated transaction.

Before you begin

Review Configuring transactionality for message flows to understand what configuration is required for transactionality.


The option that you select for the Transaction Mode property defines whether the message is written under sync point:
  • If you set this property to Yes with the Coordinated transaction flow property selected, the message is received under external sync point coordination; that is, within an IBM® MQ unit of work. Any messages that are sent later, by an output node in the same instance of the message flow, are put under sync point, unless the output node overrides this setting explicitly.
  • If you set this property to Yes with the Coordinated transaction flow property not selected, the message is received under the local sync point control of the node. Any messages that are sent later, by an output node in the flow, are not put under local sync point, unless an individual output node specifies that the message must be put under local sync point.
  • If you set this property to No, the message is not received under sync point. Any messages that are sent later, by an output node in the flow, are not put under sync point, unless an individual output node specifies that the message must be put under sync point.

What to do next

To receive messages under external sync point, you must take additional configuration steps, which need be applied only the first time that a specific node using JMS transport is deployed to the integration server for a particular JMS provider.
  • On distributed systems, an IBM MQ queue manager provides the coordinated transaction support, which means that IBM App Connect Enterprise must have access to IBM MQ when it is processing the messages in the message flow. For more information about using IBM MQ with IBM App Connect Enterprise, see Installing IBM MQ.
  • Before you deploy a message flow in which the Transaction mode property is set to Global or Yes, and is intended to use global (XA) coordinated transactions, modify the queue manager .ini file to include extra definitions for each JMS provider resource manager that participates in globally coordinated transactions. For more information, see Configuring JMS and SOAP nodes to support globally coordinated transactions.

    For more information on transactionality, see Transactional support in the IBM MQ product documentation online.