
This function returns the name of a node attribute specified by an index. It is called by the integration node when the integration node requires the names of the attributes that are supported by an instance of a node.

The function must return the attributes in a known, defined order, and to return the attribute name that is represented by the index parameter.

If both cniGetAttributeName and cniGetAttributeName2 are implemented, cniDefineNodeClass fails with CCI_INV_IMPL_FUNCTION.

Defined In Type Member
CNI_VFT Optional iFpGetAttributeName2


CciSize cniGetAttributeName2(
  int          returnCode,
  CciContext*  context,
  int          index,
  CciChar*     buffer,
  int          bufsize);


The address of the context for the instance of the node, as created by the node and returned by the cniCreateNodeContext function (input).
returnCode (output)
Pointer to an int. On return, the node must ensure that this int stores a value that describes the status of completion. Possible return codes are:
Specifies the index of the attribute name (input). The index of the attributes starts from zero.
The address of a buffer into which the attribute name is copied (output).
The length, in CciChars, of the buffer specified in the buffer parameter (input).

Return values

  • If successful, the attribute name is copied into the supplied buffer and the number of CciChar characters copied is returned.
  • If the buffer is not large enough to contain the attribute name, returnCode is set to CCI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, and the number of CciChars required is returned.
  • If the end of the list of attributes is reached, and the attribute name is not found, returnCode is set to CCI_ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN. For example, when index is greater than n-1, where n is the number of attributes for this node.