Running database setup scripts

Configure an integration server to access databases from deployed message flows by customizing the command environment.

When you install a database product the relevant settings might be made to the system environment (typical for Windows systems). However, some database managers provide a profile to perform this setup, or provide details of actions that you must take. Always check the database product documentation for environment setup details; the information that is provided here is for general guidance only.

If a profile is provided for the database that you are using, complete the following steps:
  1. If you can update the profile to provide permanent values for the details that are required (for example, the database server name or the installation directory):
    1. Complete the changes to the database profile.
    2. Copy the profile file to the following directory:
      • On Windows: work_path\Common\profiles
      • On Linux® and UNIX: work_path/common/profiles
      where work_path is the machine-wide IBM® App Connect Enterprise working directory.
      Note: To verify the machine-wide IBM App Connect Enterprise working directory, enter the following command in a command console:
      echo %MQSI_WORKPATH%
  2. If you cannot update the profile permanently, but need to make changes each time, you must run it independently of the mqsiprofile command before you start the component.