Removing a user-defined property override

You can remove a user-defined property override by using the IBM® App Connect Enterprise administration REST API.

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About this task

You can use the remove-global-udp-override method to remove an override value for a named user-defined property.

The remove-global-udp-override action takes the following query parameters:
Parameter Description
name* The name of the user-defined property for which an override is to be removed. This parameter is required.

This parameter must match the name of the override that was used on the apply-global-udp-override method when the override was created.

When an override has been removed, the message flow reverts to the value that was defined in the deployed message flow definitions, before any override was applied.

You can also use the administration REST API to apply a user-defined property override, as described in Applying a user-defined property override.

For more information about how to set user-defined property overrides, see Example: setting user-defined property overrides.