External table mirror bulk apply

With this Fast Apply mode, CDC Replication creates lists of reordered operations for each table and then attempts to apply them to the target system by using delete and insert statements that use external tables.

Before you begin

When you configure the CDC Replication instance, you must specify a refresh loader path where the external table files will be created.

About this task

CDC Replication performs this ordering on a group of source transactions, also known as a unit of work (UOW). You specify a latency threshold, which is the maximum amount of additional time that CDC Replication should delay the replication of operations to build up a large UOW. The latency threshold is expressed as the number of seconds that CDC Replication is allowed to add operations to the UOW before trying to submit it. You can also specify the amount of parallelism that should be used for apply and for image building.

The parameter to the user exit is: number of apply threads:latency threshold:number of image builder threads, where:

number of apply threads
Mandatory. An integer starting at 1.
latency threshold
Mandatory . An integer in seconds starting at 1. The default is 60. The default is used if no value is specified.
number of image builder threads
Optional. An integer starting at 1. The default is the number of apply threads.

For example, to use one apply thread, the default latency threshold, and one image builder thread, you would specify 1::1. This is the recommended setting. To specify one apply thread, a latency threshold of 30 seconds, and the default number of image builders, you would specify 1:30. To specify two apply threads, a latency threshold of 45 seconds, and three image builder threads, you would specify 2:45:3.

Update operations are transformed into a delete followed by an insert. If an inserted row is subsequently deleted in the same UOW, both the insert and delete are thrown away. Multiple updates of the same row in the same UOW are transformed into a single delete followed by a single insert of the last set of column values. For this reason, this form of apply is sometimes called a “net effect” apply. For each table, all of the delete operations are performed first, followed by all of the insert operations. The tables are applied in the order that the first operation on a table is seen in the current UOW.

For example, if the source system had performed the following operations:

INSERT INTO TABLE1(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval1,othercolval1);
DELETE FROM TABLE1 WHERE keycol = keycolval2;
DELETE FROM TABLE2 WHERE keycol = keycolva11;
INSERT INTO TABLE2(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval1,othercolval1);
UPDATE TABLE1 SET othercol = othercolval3 WHERE keycol = keycolva13;
INSERT INTO TABLE3 (keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval1,othercolval1);
INSERT INTO TABLE2(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval2,othercolval2);
INSERT INTO TABLE3 (keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval2,othercolval2);
INSERT INTO TABLE2(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval3,othercolval3);
DELETE FROM TABLE2 WHERE keycol = keycolval3;
INSERT INTO TABLE1(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval4,othercolval4);

CDC Replication applies them on the target system as:

DELETE FROM TABLE1 WHERE keycol = keycolval2;
DELETE FROM TABLE1 WHERE keycol = keycolva13;
INSERT INTO TABLE1(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval1;
INSERT INTO TABLE1 (keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval3,othercolval3);
INSERT INTO TABLE1(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval4,othercolval4);

DELETE FROM TABLE2 WHERE keycol = keycolva11;
INSERT INTO TABLE2(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval1,othercolval1);
INSERT INTO TABLE2(keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval2,othercolval2);

INSERT INTO TABLE3 (keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval1,othercolval1);
INSERT INTO TABLE3 (keycol, othercol) VALUES (keycolval2,othercolval2);

Reordering of the operations allows CDC Replication to use “external tables” to perform the deletes and inserts. For each UOW, all of the deletes from a given table are performed by a single delete with an external table statement, and all of the inserts from a given table are performed by a single insert with an external table statement. The pseudo-syntax for delete is: delete from tablename where keycolnamelist IN (select * from externaltablename). The pseudo-syntax for an insert is: insert into tablename select * from externaltablename.

If more than one apply thread is specified, the tables are distributed round-robin to the apply threads in the order that the first operation on a table is seen. In the above example, if the number of apply threads had been set to 2, then TABLE1 and TABLE3 would have been applied by thread 0, and TABLE2 would have been applied by thread 1.

If any exceptions occur when trying to apply the operations for a given table by using external tables, replication for the subscription stops. Unlike the other fast apply algorithms, external table mirror bulk apply does not have the ability to roll back the UOW transaction and reapply it serially in the original order.

  • Only supported for Db2® Warehouse.
  • The CDC Replication target engine and Db2 Warehouse must both be on Linux®.
  • If the CDC Replication target is remote to Db2 Warehouse, you must set the system parameter is_using_remote_source_jdbc_option to true.
  • If CDC Replication is installed outside of the Db2 Warehouse container, you must use a Type 4 connection.
  • LOBs that are longer than the value that is specified by the user_exit_max_lob_size_kb parameter (default 128K) are truncated to this length.
  • The stored procedure user exit capability is not allowed (either at the row or column level).
  • %GETCOL is not allowed.
  • Conflict detection and resolution are not allowed.
  • Summarization mapping type are not allowed.
  • Consolidation one-to-one is not allowed.
  • Consolidation one-to-many is not allowed.
  • Although row-level Java™ user exits are allowed, the user exit cannot retrieve a connection to the target database.
  • You cannot override the default row-level actions.
  • Character set encoding overrides are not supported.
  • XML data type is not support because of external table limitations. Supported data types for external tables


  1. Start Management Console and log into Access Server.
  2. Click Configuration > Subscriptions.
  3. Right-click the subscription where you want to enable Fast Apply and select User Exits.
  4. Select Java Class from the User Exit Type list.
  5. Enter the name of the Java class user exit for the Fast Apply mode that you want to use in the Class Name box: com.datamirror.ts.target.publication.userexit.fastapply.MirrorBulkApply
  6. Enter the user parameter that you want to make available to the user exit program in the Parameter box. For example, enter the following value to specify two apply threads, a latency threshold of 45 seconds, and three image builder threads:
  7. Click OK.


Fast Apply is now enabled for the subscription.