STGMGR—Storage Manager

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram FMODIFY procname.identifier,STGMGR,STATUS[NAME=name],ADDSTG=nnnMGT

This command allows you to monitor and manage the storage manager.

Requests that a report of the status of the storage manager and its users be displayed on the console.

Specify the name of a storage manager. If no value is given, the status of all users is displayed.

Specifies the increase in the amount of above the bar (64–bit) storage that the Storage Manager is allowed to use.

This increase is on top of the configured amount and will be in effect for this execution of InfoSphere® CDC for z/OS® only.


f dmc0038s,stgmgr,status

Displays the status of the storage manager.

f dmc0038s,stgmgr,status,name=alltypes

Displays the status of the storage manager for a single user.

f dmc0038s,stgmgr,addstg=50m

Increases the storage of the storage manager by 50MB.