Discovering PowerPlay  7.5.0
Create a Trend Over Time Report >

Format the Values

You can format the values in a report. You can also format each measure separately, or format values in specific rows or columns.

For example, in a financial report, you may want to round the values up to thousands or millions, or insert single overlines, single underlines, or double underlines. PowerPlay provides several preset formats that add currency symbols, percentage signs, symbols for thousands and millions, such as K and M, decimal symbols, and thousand separators, alone and in combination.

Try This

To format the report values:

  1. In the dimension viewer, click the expand icon beside the Measures folder.

  2. Select Revenue.

  3. Click the Format Measure button .

    The Number Format dialog box appears.

  4. From the Format Option box, select $#,##0, and click OK.

    Notice the change to the format of the Revenue measure.