Discovering PowerPlay  7.5.0
Create a Trend Over Time Report >

Add Special Categories

Special categories are alternate organizations of the data your administrator adds to a cube. These categories may come from different levels or dimensions. You add, remove, and drill down on a special category in the same way as other categories. The existence of special categories becomes apparent when you use the Drill Up command, because the command offers a choice of paths to take.

For example, your time dimensions can include special categories so you can compare this fiscal quarter (for example, March, April, and May) to the last fiscal quarter (Prior QTD).

You can ask your administrator to add other special categories that make sense to your business. For example, your cube could include a special category for newly hired employees.

Try This

To start a trend over time report:

  1. From the File menu, click Preferences.

  2. Click the Startup tab.

  3. Clear the Create an Explorer Report by Default check box and click OK.

  4. From the File menu, click New.

    The Choose a Remote Cube dialog box appears.

  5. Select Local to complete this tutorial.

    For information about accessing a remote cube, see Access Remote Cubes.

  6. Select installation location\samples\PowerPlay\Cubes and Reports.

    If your sample cubes are stored in a different location, contact your administrator for details.

  7. Select Great Outdoors.mdc and click Open.

    A new Reporter report appears.

  8. From the View menu, click Dimension Viewer.

    The dimension viewer appears.

  9. In the dimension viewer, click the expand icons beside Years and Relative Time.

  10. Select 2004.

  11. Click the Next Level Children button .

  12. Click the Add as Columns button .

    2004 Q1, 2004 Q2, 2004 Q3, and 2004 Q4 appear as columns.