What's new in ZD&T 13.0.0

The following new features and changes are provided in ZD&T 13.0.0.

ZD&T Personal Edition

  • A new installer ZDT_Install_PE_V13.0.0.0.tgz is available for Personal Edition. For more information, see Installing Personal Edition.

ZD&T Enterprise Edition

  • A new installer

    A new installer ZDT_Install_EE_V13.0.0.0.tgz is available for Enterprise Edition. For more information, see Installing the Enterprise Edition web server.

  • A new web UI

    The task flow is revamped in the new web UI for a streamlined and more robust user experience. This new web UI not only includes the same capabilities as the previous versions, but also incorporates new functions such as Docker support.

    To get started with the new web UI, see Migration to new UI from previous versions.

    For more information about the specific instructions to use this new UI, see Web UI User's Guide.

  • REST API changes

    ZD&T Enterprise Edition 13.0 starts transforming the APIs to use a consistent approach to reference all artifacts via a UUID that is created or used in the ZD&T. These APIs are also changed to follow the kebab-case naming convention for all input properties, output properties, and the API endpoint labels. While not all APIs were transformed, most of the APIs work is done in 13.0 to have consistency across all of the APIs that are provided by the ZD&T. Now the REST API documentation is following the OpenAPI v3 specification. You can find the REST API documentation on the page https://your EE webserver hostname:9443/openapi/ui/.

  • Support for Docker containers as target environments

    Provision into a Docker environment is supported in 13.0. After you configure the Docker daemon to support HTTPS by using the TLS cryptographic protocol, you can use the ZD&T Enterprise Edition to add the Docker environment, and deploy images to the Docker environment. Each Docker environment now supports a maximum of five containers. In a Docker environment, each container runs their own emulated z/OS® instances and will be allocated 100 ports for clients to access services on each of those emulated z/OS instances.

    For more information about setting up the prerequisites of Docker environment, see Docker target environments requirements.

    For more information about configuring a Docker environment in the ZD&T Enterprise Edition web UI, see Configuring a Docker target environment.

    For more information about provisioning an image to a Docker environment by using the web UI, see Deploying images to a Docker environment.

    For more information about provisioning an image to a Docker environment by using the REST API, see Deploying the images to a Docker target environment.

  • Volume component creation from an existing ZD&T

    ZD&T Enterprise Edition supports creating volume components from an emulated z/OS on ZD&T, which is faster compared with creating from IBM Z mainframe. After you add a Linux running a ZD&T emulator source environment, you can quickly create a volume component, which compresses and transfers existing volume files from an emulated z/OS on ZD&T that runs on a host Linux® system to the storage.

    For more information about configure a Linux running a ZD&T emulator source environment, see Configuring a Linux that runs a ZD&T emulator.

    For more information about creating a volume component from an existing ZD&T environment, see Creating a volume component from an existing ZD&T environment.

ZD&T Parallel Sysplex

  • A new installer ZDT_Install_PS_V13.0.0.0.tgz is available for Parallel Sysplex®. For more information, see Installing Parallel Sysplex.

Application Developers Controlled Distribution (ADCD)

Application Developers Controlled Distribution (ADCD) z/OS Version 2 Release 4 May Edition of 2020 is available with all ZD&T 13.0.0 editions.

The following products are added.
  • IBM Z® Distribution for Zowe™ 1.0.0
  • IBM Z Development and Test Environment Enterprise 12.0.5
  • IBM® Dependency Based Build 01.00.00
  • IBM UrbanCode® Deploy for z/OS 7.0.5
  • IBM Engineering Workflow Management 7.0.0 (RTC)
  • IBM Enterprise PL/I for z/OS 5.3.0
  • IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 6.3.0

z/OS 2.4 and all incorporated products that are provided maintenance are updated to PUT2003/RSU2003.

For more information about the new release, see ADCD z/OS V2R4 May Edition of 2020.

For more information about the customization of ADCD for ZD&T, see Customizing ADCD for ZD&T.

zPDT Emulator

The zPDT® driver that is used in all ZD&T 13.0.0 editions is updated to zPDT The new emulator includes the following new functions and fixes.
  • The SORTL instruction that is used by ZSORT is available with this release.
  • The aws_sysctl tool was updated to increase the semaphore limits. The fix was done to handle running multiple instances at the same time by using the default ADCD devmap.
  • The crypto core during initialization on an AMD processor was resolved.
  • The z1090instcheck command was corrected to properly report the status of the glibc-32bit package on RHEL8.
  • An intermittent TCPIP abend when starting RMF was fixed.