Deploying application images

After you create application images, ZD&T Enterprise Edition will automatically set up an entire ZD&T for development and testing when it is needed.

The deployment options in the Enterprise Edition will install and configure the IBM® ZD&T emulator on the selected target environment, which is followed by the initial program load of z/OS® that is contained in the selected application image.
Note: If you create an ADCD application image, after the deployment is successfully complete, you need to log in z/OS, and change the expired password of the user ID 'IBMUSER'. If the ADCD application image contains extracted IBM Z® data set components, and the process to restore the data sets fails during the deployment, set the password of the user ID 'IBMUSER' to be 'SYS1'.

Pre-deployment validation

Before you deploy application images to a Linux® target environment, you must ensure that the following items are valid. Otherwise, when you deploy application images, the pre-deployment validation function will automatically check the items, and some error messages may occur.
Note: The pre-deployment validation is only applicable for the Linux target environments.
  1. Linux distribution

    Only RHEL and Ubuntu operating systems are officially supported. CentOS, SLES operating systems are unofficially supported.

  2. CPU architecture

    Only x86_64 is supported.

  3. CPs and RAM

    The number of central processors (CPs) must be not longer than 8 characters. And at least 2G random access memory (RAM) size is required.

  4. Emulator status

    The emulator cannot be running.

  5. License server connectivity
    • If you use a Software-based License Server, the port number must be 1947.
    • If you use a Hardware-based License Server, the port number must be 9450.
  6. Image storage server connectivity
    • If you use FTP as the image storage server, the port number must be 21.
    • If you use SFTP as the image storage server, the port number must be 22.
  7. User and group configurations
    If you did not select to automatically configure user and group when you configured the Linux target environments, the pre-deployment validation function will check the users and group configurations by using
    • Group

      The function will check whether the group 'zpdt' exists.

    • Users
      • If you deploy application images by using the root user ID, this function will check whether the user ID 'ibmsys1' exists, and whether 'ibmsys1' belongs to the group 'zpdt'.
      • If you deploy application images by using a non-root user ID, this function will check whether the user ID is assigned to the group 'zpdt'.
  8. Dependent libraries
    • If you did not select to install all dependencies when you ran the Enterprise Edition installer, this function will check the following dependent libraries by using
      • REHL operating system
      • Ubuntu operating system
        libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6
  9. Permission on the deployment directory

    Check whether the user ID has the write access to the deployment directory that was specified.

  10. Available disk space on the deployment directory

    Check whether the available disk space of the deployment directory is adequate. To deploy application images successfully, a full application size and an extra space of the maximum uncompressed volume size are needed.

  11. Privilege commands permission
    If you use a non-root user ID to deploy application images, this function will check whether the user ID has the permission to do the following actions.
    1. Change the ownership of the files:
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/
      If allow install dependencies
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)
      if allow configure user
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)
      if allow configure network
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/zdt_config_tcpports (optional)
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/zdt_config_udpports (optional)
      if allow clean up when withdraw an image
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)
    2. Run the following scripts
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/
      If allow install dependencies
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)
      if allow configure user
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)
      if allow configure network
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/zdt_config_tcpports (optional)
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/zdt_config_udpports (optional)
      if allow clean up when withdraw an image
      [deployment directory]/zdt/zdtInstall/ (optional)

Manually issue IPL commands

When you deploy the created application images, if you clear the option to issue the IPL command manually, complete the following step after the deployment.
  1. Click the Monitor page, and expand the application image that is deployed to the system.
  2. Find the section that is called Initial Program Load under the application image. This Initial Program Load contains the IPL command to issue.
  3. SSH to the target environment, and login with the account that you used to do the deployment.
    Note: If you choose a Linux target environment, and deploy application images by using the root user ID, login with the user ID ibmsys1. If you choose a OpenStack cloud environment, login with your default cloud-init user ID. The private key and passphrase can be downloaded from monitor page.
  4. Issue the command. For example, issue the command ipl 0a80 parm 0a82au.
    If the IPL fails, you can issue the following commands in sequence from path /home/ibmsys1/zdt/volumes:
    awsstop ---wait for few minutes for zDT to stop
    ipl 0a80 parm 0a82CS --- Monitor console for any outstanding message.
    awsstart aprof1 --- wait for few minutes for zDT to get ready.

    After IPL is successful, you can use ipl 0a80 parm 0a82au to IPL next time.

Note: This process can be done by any application programmer or tester on-demand whenever they need a new environment.