Viewing Kubernetes logs

To view logging information, run the kubectl logs command from the command line.

There are three levels of detail at which you can report on the progress of pod and container installation:
Displaying pod status
Run the following command to see overall status for each pod.
kubectl get pods
Run the following command if the namespace is non-default.
kubectl get pods --namespace
Where namespace is the name of the non-default namespace.
Displaying a log file
Run the following command to display log files for a specific pod or container within that pod.
kubectl logs name_of_pod [-c name_of_container]
The following section lists the relevant commands for the different Operations Management on IBM Cloud® Private pods and containers.
Primary ObjectServer
kubectl logs name_of_objserv-primary-pod
Backup ObjectServer
kubectl logs name_of_objserv-backup-pod -c ncobackup-agg-b
Failover gateway
kubectl logs name_of_objserv-backup-pod -c ncobackup-agg-gate
kubectl logs name_of_webgui-pod -c webgui 
Log Analysis
kubectl logs name_of_log-analysis-pod -c unity
XML gateway
kubectl logs name_of_log-analysis-pod -c gateway
Primary Impact Server
kubectl logs name_of_impactcore-primary-pod -c nciserver
Backup Impact Server
kubectl logs name_of_impactcore-backup-pod -c nciserver
Impact GUI Server
kubectl logs name_of_impactgui-pod -c impactgui
kubectl logs name_of_db2ese-pod -c db2ese
kubectl logs name_of_proxy-pod
kubectl logs name_of_openLDAP-pod
Cloud Native Analytics
kubectl logs name_of_cassandra-pod
kubectl logs name_of_couchdb-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ea-noi-layer-eanoiactionservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-inferenceservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-archivingservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-servicemonitorservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-policyregistryservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-ingestionservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-trainer-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-collater-aggregationservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-normalizer-aggregationservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-dedup-aggregationservice-pod
kubectl logs name_of_spark-master-pod
kubectl logs name_of_spark-slave-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ea-ui-api-graphql-pod
kubectl logs name_of_ibm-hdm-common-ui-uiserver-pod
kubectl logs name_of_kafka-pod
kubectl logs name_of_zookeeper-pod
kubectl logs name_of_redis-sentinel-pod
kubectl logs name_of_redis-server-pod
Following a log file
Run the following command to stream a log file for a specific pod or container within that pod.
kubectl logs -f name_of_pod [-c name_of_container]
The following section lists the relevant commands for the different Operations Management on IBM Cloud Private pods and containers.
Primary ObjectServer
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_objserv-primary-pod
Backup ObjectServer
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_objserv-backup-pod -c ncobackup-agg-b
Failover gateway
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_objserv-backup-pod -c ncobackup-agg-gate
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_webgui-pod -c webgui
Log Analysis
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_log-analysis-pod -c unity
XML gateway
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_log-analysis-pod -c gateway
Primary Impact Server
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_impactcore-primary-pod -c nciserver
Backup Impact Server
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_impactcore-backup-pod -c nciserver
Impact GUI Server
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_impactgui-pod -c impactgui
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_db2ese-pod -c db2ese
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_proxy-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_openLDAP-pod
Cloud Native Analytics
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_cassandra-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_couchdb-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ea-noi-layer-eanoiactionservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-inferenceservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-archivingservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-servicemonitorservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-policyregistryservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-ingestionservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-trainer-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-collater-aggregationservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-normalizer-aggregationservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-dedup-aggregationservice-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_spark-master-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_spark-slave-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ea-ui-api-graphql-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ibm-hdm-common-ui-uiserver-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_ea-ui-api-graphql-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_kafka-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_zookeeper-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_redis-sentinel-pod
kubectl logs -f --tail=1 name_of_redis-server-pod