Creating a registry secret to support namespace access

You must create a Docker registry secret to enable your cloud deployment to pull the Operations Management archive from your local Docker registry into your cluster's namespace.

  1. Run the following command to create the secret:
    kubectl create secret docker-registry noi-registry-secret \
      --docker-server=cluster-CA-domain:8500 \
      --docker-username=account-username \
      --docker-password=account-password \
      -n namespace
    • noi-registry-secret is the name of the secret that you are creating. Suggested value is noi-registry-secret
    • cluster-CA-domain is the name of the certificate authority domain that was used in the config.yaml file during IBM Cloud® Private installation as configured in Preparing your cluster
    • account-username is the username for the master node.
    • account-password is the password for the master node.
    • namespace is the name of the namespace that you want to deploy to.
    Note: If you are installing on IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift, the command uses different parameters, as in the following example:
    kubectl create secret docker-registry noi-registry-secret 
    --docker-password=$(oc whoami -t)  
    -n namespace
  2. Make a note of the name of the secret that you specified for noi-registry-secret as you will need to specify it later during installation.