Configuring Installation Parameters

Find out how to configure the parameters for your installation.

Parameter Name (UI) Parameter Name in values.yaml (CLI) Description
Helm release name Non-applicable. Specify as parameter to the helm install command with --name. Name your helm release. Make sure that the name starts with a lowercase letter, the body contains only alphanumeric characters and hyphens, and it ends with an alphanumeric character. Helm release name must not exceed 30 characters. It is recommended that the helm release name length is 8 characters or less.
Target namespace Non-applicable. Specify as parameter to the helm install command with --namespace. The namespace to use for your deployment. If Agile Service Manager is also installed then it must use the same namespace.
Target cluster Non-applicable. This is the cluster that you are logged in to with cloudctl. The cluster to use for your deployment. Available clusters with the required Kubernetes version are shown for the selected namespace.
Target namespace policies Read only field that is not used by the CLI installation. Non-editable. Displays suitable pod security policies for your selected namespace and cluster.
I have read and agreed to the license agreement global.license
  • CLI: accept or not accepted
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Select the checkbox/set to 'accept' if you agree with the license terms. Defaults to 'not accepted'.
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Select the checkbox/set to 'true' if your container platform is Openshift, else set to false.
Master node global.cluster.fqdn Specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the master node in your cluster. This value is used to construct ingress URLs to access NOI services. The FQDN must match the value of your certificate authority domain, as specified by cluster_CA_domain in the cluster's config.yaml file. This value must also be mapped to the master node IP address in the /etc/hosts file.


global.omnisecret Name of your OMNIbus secret if it is not helm-release-name-omni-secret.
HTTPS Port global.ingress.port The cluster's HTTPS ingress port. Defaults to 443.
Note: If you are installing on IBM Cloud® Private with OpenShift, ports 80 and 443 are used by OpenShift services. For more information, see IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift documentation: Preparing to install IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift external link.
Image repository global.image.repository Docker repository for all the component charts and images. This will be cluster-CA-domain:8500 if the charts and images are loaded in the IBM Cloud Private local-charts repository, where cluster-CA-domain is the name of the certificate authority domain that was used in the config.yaml file during IBM Cloud Private installation.
Docker image repository secret global.image.secret Specify the name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the credentials to access the Docker registry. This secret must be created before the installation. By default this secret is called noi-registry-secret.
ASM release name global.integrations.asm.releaseName Must match the helm release name of Agile Service Manager, if it is installed. For more information, see Installing Agile Service Manager on IBM Cloud Private.
Enable ASM integration global.integrations.asm.enabled
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true if you are planning to integrate with the optional Agile Service Manager extension.
Environment size global.environmentSize Controls the resource sizes. The value can be either 'size1' or 'size0'. 'size1' must be used for production environments. 'size0' is a minimal specification for evaluation or development purposes. Defaults to 'size0'.
ServiceAccount under which your pods run global.rbac.serviceAccount Specify the name of the service account that was created when pod access control was configured, as described here. By default this service account is called noi-service-account.
Create required RBAC RoleBindings global.rbac.create
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
This setting must be set to true only if the installation is being done by a cluster administrator. When set to true this setting creates the required service account, roles and role bindings. For installations done as non-cluster administrators, these bindings must be created manually before installation. For more information, see here. Defaults to false.
Use existing TLS certificate secrets global.tls.certificate.useExistingSecret
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true if you want to use your own TLS certificate secrets instead of automatically generated ones. For more information, see Preparing secrets for TLS encryption. Defaults to false.
Indicate that all password secrets have been created prior to install global.users.secretsCreatedPreInstall
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true if all of the required passwords and secrets have been created manually, and you do not want the installer to create any of the passwords or secrets. If this is set to false then the required passwords are randomly created. For more information, see Configuring passwords and secrets. Defaults to false.
Enable subchart resource requests global.resource.requests.enable
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true to enable subchart resource requests, or set to false to disable the requests so that there is no check on the resources that are required for the release. For example, to specify a small demonstration system, you must disable the subchart resource requests by setting this field to false.
Enable anti-affinity global.antiAffinity.enabled
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true to prevent primary and backup server pods from being installed on the same worker node.
Enable data persistence (Recommended) global.persistence.enabled
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true to ensure that data continues to be available if the pod needs to restart. If set to false, data is lost between pod restarts.
Use dynamic provisioning global.persistence.useDynamicProvisioning
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true if you are using a distributed storage solution such as vSphere to ensure that storage volumes are created automatically in the cluster as and when required. Set to false if you are using local storage.
Cassandra Data Storage Class global.persistence.storageClassOption.cassandradata The persistent volume storage class for the cassandra service. Can be disabled by not specifying any option.
Cassandra Backup Storage Class global.persistence.storageClassOption.cassandrabak The persistent volume storage class for the cassandra backup service.
Zookeeper Data Storage Class global.persistence.storageClassOption.zookeeperdata The persistent volume storage class for the zookeeper service.
Kafka Data Storage Class global.persistence.storageClassOption.kafkadata The persistent volume storage class for the kafka service.
CouchDB Data Storage Class global.persistence.storageClassOption.couchdbdata The persistent volume storage class for the couchDB service.
Cassandra Data Storage Size global.persistence.storageSize.cassandradata Cassandra data storage size option.
Cassandra Backup Storage Size global.persistence.storageSize.cassandrabak Cassandra backup storage size option.
Zookeeper Data Storage Size global.persistence.storageSize.zookeeperdata Zookeeper data storage size option.
Kafka Data Storage Size global.persistence.storageSize.kafkadata Kafka data storage size option.
CouchDB Data Storage Size global.persistence.storageSize.couchdbdata CouchDB data storage size option.
Number of Impact server instances global.nciservers.replicaCount Set to the required number of nciserver pods.
LDAP mode global.ldapservice.mode Set to standalone to install the built-in standalone LDAP server (openLDAP server) that comes with Netcool® Operations Insight®. Do not edit any global.ldapservice.internal.* values.
Set to proxy to install a proxy LDAP server and connect to your organization's LDAP server. Define the following mandatory users in your LDAP repository: icpadmin, impactadmin, and unityadmin. For more information, see Creating users on an external LDAP server. You must define custom values for all of the other LDAP parameters to match your organization's LDAP server. Advanced: The LDAP proxy can be further configured with the LDAP Proxy configmap.
Note: If you select proxy mode, then regardless of the value of Indicates that all password secrets have been created prior to install, you must still manually configure passwords and secrets for LDAP admin, impactadmin , and unityadmin to enable Netcool Operations Insight to connect to your organization's LDAP server. For more information, see Configuring passwords and secrets.
Defaults to standalone.
LDAP Server port global.ldapservice.internal.ldapPort If you set LDAP mode to proxy, then you must configure the port of your organization's LDAP server. Defaults to 389. Do not edit if LDAP mode is standalone.
LDAP Server SSL port: global.ldapservice.internal.ldapSSLPort If you set LDAP mode to proxy, then you must configure the SSL port of your organization's LDAP server. Defaults to 636. Do not edit if LDAP mode is standalone.
LDAP Server URL global.ldapservice.internal.url If you set LDAP mode to proxy, then you must configure the URL of your organization's LDAP server. Use the format ldap://<IP address or hostname>:port. Do not edit if LDAP mode is standalone.
LDAP Directory Information Tree top entry global.ldapservice.internal.suffix If you set LDAP mode to proxy, then you must configure the top entry in the LDAP Directory Information Tree (DIT). Use the standard domain settings as configured in your organization. Defaults to dc=mycluster,dc=icp. Do not edit if LDAP mode is standalone.
LDAP base entry global.ldapservice.internal.baseDN If you set LDAP mode to proxy, then you must configure the LDAP base entry by specifying the base distinguished name (base DN). Defaults to dc=mycluster,dc=icp. Do not edit if LDAP mode is standalone.
LDAP bind userid global.ldapservice.internal.bindDN If you set LDAP mode to proxy, then you must configure the LDAP bind user identity by specifying the bind distinguished name (bind DN). You must also create a Kubernetes secret that contains password information for your organization's LDAP server, as described in Configuring passwords and secrets. Defaults to cn. Do not edit if LDAP mode is standalone.
Storage Class Name
(In sections 'DB2®', 'Primary Object Server','Backup Object Server', 'Primary Impact Server', 'Impact GUI', Log Analysis', 'LDAP Authentication'.)
service_name.pvc.storageClassName where service_name is one of (db2, nco_primary, ncobackup, nciserver, impactgui, scala, openldap) Specify the persistent volume storage class for the service. Defaults to local-storage-service-name.
Existing storage claim name
(In sections 'DB2', 'Primary Object Server','Backup Object Server', 'Primary Impact Server', 'Impact GUI', Log Analysis', 'LDAP Authentication'.)
service_name.pvc.existingNameClaim where service_name is one of (db2, nco_primary, ncobackup, nciserver, impactgui, scala, openldap) Leave empty or specify the persistent volume claim for the service.
PVC Selector label
(In sections 'DB2', 'Primary Object Server','Backup Object Server', 'Primary Impact Server', 'Impact GUI', Log Analysis', 'LDAP Authentication'.)
service_name.pvc.selector.label where service_name is one of (db2, nco_primary, ncobackup, nciserver, impactgui, scala, openldap) Leave empty if you are using dynamic provisioning. In any other case, selectors can be used refine the binding process.
PVC Selector name
(In sections 'DB2', 'Primary Object Server','Backup Object Server', 'Primary Impact Server', 'Impact GUI', Log Analysis', 'LDAP Authentication'.) where service_name is one of (db2, nco_primary, ncobackup, nciserver, impactgui, scala, openldap) Leave empty when using dynamic provisioning. In any other case, selectors can be used refine the binding process.
Storage Size
(In sections 'DB2', 'Primary Object Server','Backup Object Server', 'Primary Impact Server', 'Impact GUI', Log Analysis', 'LDAP Authentication'.)
service_name.pvc.size where service_name is one of (db2, nco_primary, ncobackup, nciserver, impactgui, scala, openldap) Size allocated for persistent storage in bytes. Do not change. See
Temporal Group Policies Deploy First ibm-hdm-analytics-dev.common.temporalGroupingDeployFirst Set to true to deploy all Cloud Native Analytics temporal group policies after training. Set to false to manually control deployment of the temporal group policies.


ibm-hdm-analytics-dev.archivingservice.eventTTL Time to live value - how long events should be archived for.




iconASM status to event enrichment join window Maximum waiting time, in minutes, to allow an Object server event to be matched to an ASM status.


global.common.eventanalytics.tenantId Internal tenantId used by event analytics.


global.image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent only pull images if they do not exist. Always: always pull latest images




  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true to install Log Analysis


  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Set to true to install Impact.
Install All NOI Components global.hybrid.disabled
  • CLI: true or false
  • UI: checkbox selected (true) or checkbox unselected (false)
Defaults to true. Set totrue to install Netcool Operations Insight. Set to false for a Cloud Native Analytics only install, as part of a hybrid cloud-on-premises install. Enable this option to install all of the base NOI components (full cloud mode). In this case, ignore the parameters below. | Disable this option to install only the Cloud Native Event Analytics part of NOI (hybrid mode). In this case, you must connect this Cloud Private installation to an existing on-premises NOI installation using the parameters below.