modifiedDocumentCheckMethod parameter

This parameter determines the whether the server checks the modified date or the unique id to determine if a cached document is out of date.

When documents are cached, the server needs to determine if a document has been modified since it was cached to prevent sending out of date information to a user.

Most document repositories provide an HTTP header that is called Last-Modified to indicate when a document was last changed. When this parameter is set to lastmodified, the server checks the Last-Modified value in the header. If you are serving files from an HTTP server, this option is probably the correct option.

Some document repositories generate a different document identifier when a document is modified. In these situations, the modified date becomes irrelevant. When this parameter is set to uniqueid, the server checks the document identifier instead of the modification date. It is important when you use this mode that the URL for one document version is not the same as the URL for a different version of the same document.

The default value is lastmodified.


  • ViewONE Document Streaming Server Module, any version
  • IBM® Daeja™ ViewONE Virtual, any version

