IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail, Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server, Version 7.1

Perform these tasks on the computer that runs the Exchange Server

For best results, use the configuration wizards to configure Data Protection for Exchange for a step-by-step guide of the configuration requirements. However, if you prefer to do these steps manually, follow these configuration instructions.

Before you begin

Before you begin, ensure that the Exchange server is running.


Perform these steps on the computer where the Exchange Server is installed and running:

  1. Specify your Data Protection for Exchange node name and communication method in the dsm.opt file located (by default) in the Data Protection for Exchange installation directory. More options are also available.
  2. Using the set command, specify your Data Protection for Exchange preferences (language, date format, log file) in the tdpexc.cfg file in the Data Protection for Exchange installation directory.
  3. (VSS only) If you are configuring Data Protection for Exchange in an Exchange Server Database Availability Group (DAG) environment, use the set command to create a common node name for backing up DAG servers. For example:
    tdpexcc set DAGNODe=TSMDAG1
    Where TSMDAG1 is the DAG node name that is used to back up all databases in a DAG, regardless of which DAG member the database is backed up from.
    Important: On the Tivoli® Storage Manager server, ensure that you register the DAG node. All DAG members need proxy authority to run backups on behalf of the DAG node.
  4. If you schedule more than one DAG member to back up a database, to prevent DAG databases from being backed up too frequently, set the minimum amount of time, in minutes, that passes before a database can be backed up again by using the /MINimumbackupinterval. This parameter must be specified as part of a backup command script that is run by the Tivoli Storage Manager scheduler.
    For example, include the following statement in the C:\BACKUP.CMD script:
    tdpexcc backup DB1 full /minimumbackupinterval=60
  5. Optional: To reduce the load on a production Exchange Server in a DAG, you can specify the /PREFERDAGPASsive parameter. If a healthy passive database copy is not available, this parameter backs up a passive database copy. The backup is made from the active database copy. This parameter must be specified as part of a backup command script that is run by the Tivoli Storage Manager scheduler.
    For example, include the following statement in a C:\BACKUP.CMD script:
    tdpexcc backup DB1 full /minimumbackupinterval=60 /preferdagpassive
  6. (VSS only) Specify your VSSPOLICY statement in your Data Protection for Exchange configuration file. Exchange servers that use the same DAG node name are to share the VSS Policy.
  7. (VSS only) Configure the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client if it is not already configured. If the backup-archive client is already configured, you can use existing client services. The backup-archive client Setup Wizard can guide you through the configuration process. In the backup-archive client GUI menu, select Utilities > Setup Wizard > Help me configure the TSM Backup Archive Client. The node name for this system is referred to as the Local DSMAGENT Node and is specified with the localdsmagentnode parameter in the Data Protection for Exchange configuration file (tdpexc.cfg).

    For more information, see Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User's Guide and "Proxy node definitions".

  8. (VSS only) Install and configure the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Acceptor Service (CAD) if it is not already installed and configured. In the backup-archive client GUI menu, select Utilities > Setup Wizard > Help me configure the TSM Web Client. Make sure that the CAD service is running before you proceed to the next step.
  9. (VSS only) Install and configure the Tivoli Storage Manager Remote Client Agent Service (DSMAGENT) if it is not already installed and configured. In the backup-archive client GUI menu, select Utilities > Setup Wizard > Help me configure the TSM Web Client. If a DSMAGENT is already installed and configured, you can use the existing one.
  10. (VSS only) If you want to manage local persistent VSS snapshots, which are created for VSS backups to LOCAL, VSS Instant Restores, and want to run offloaded backups, you must install IBM® Tivoli Storage FlashCopy® Manager.
  11. (VSS only) Add the Microsoft Exchange Server binary path to the PATH statement in the system environment variables. For example:
    "C:\Program files\Exchsrvr\bin"

    Verify that ESEUTIL.EXE tool exists in this directory. This tool is used by Data Protection for Exchange to run automatic integrity checks on the VSS backup.

  12. (VSS only) Install and configure a VSS provider. Consult the VSS provider documentation for information about configuration of that software. There is no installation or configuration that is required if you are using the default Windows VSS System Provider.
  13. (VSS only) Define storage space to hold VSS backups that is on local shadow volumes. Define enough space to hold all copies of the VSS backups as designated by your policies. Provisioning storage space to manage VSS snapshots is dependent on the VSS provider that you use. Consult the VSS Provider documentation for more details.
