IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Adding Application Support to a monitoring server

About this task

If the monitoring server to which application support is to be added is on an IPv6-only system, or configured to use IPv6 only, then the Manage Tivoli® Enterprise Management Services console cannot be used to add the application support, and a command-line interface must be used. Use the following procedure to add or remove application support to a management server:


  1. Locate the executable kdstsns in the installed environment. It is usually found under $CANDLEHOME/$BINARCH/ui/bin or $CANDLEHOME/$BINARCH/ms/bin, where BINARCH is the platform architecture designated by IBM® Tivoli Monitoring, for example, li6263 on 32 bit Linux, aix523 on 32 bit AIX®, hp116 on 64 bit HP-UX, and so on. A complete list of the platforms ($BINARCH) and codes can be found in <ITMHOME>/registry/archdsc.tbl.
  2. Locate the SQLLIB directory where the SQL input files for application support reside. This directory is usually under $CANDLEHOME/tables/cicatrsq.
  3. Change to the bin directory under $CANDLHOME directory, for example:
    cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin
    Create a file called glb_ipv6tems.txt, and add a line to it to denote the host on which the monitoring server to be seeded resides, for example:
  4. Create a shell command file called with the following lines (using as an example an installation on 32 bit Linux under /opt/IBM/ITM):
    export CANDLEHOME=/opt/IBM/ITM
    export BINARCH=li6263
    export SQLLIB=$CANDLEHOME/tables/cicatrsq/SQLLIB
    export KDC_GLBSITES=glb_ipv6tems.txt
    $CANDLEHOME/$BINARCH/ui/bin/kdstsns $1 $2
    Save the file, and make it executable: chmod +x
    Note: You can run the following command to find out the BINARCH parameter name:
    $CANDLEHOME/bin/cinfo -s ms | grep BINARCH
    and look for a line that starts with ms, then the TEMS name, and then the BINARCH parameter name. For example:
    $CANDLEHOME/bin/cinfo -s ms | grep BINARCH
    ms     <TEMS-name>  BINARCH = lx8266
  5. Use the following command from the command-line to add support for an application: <app-filename> <TEMS-name>
    is the name of the sql file to be added for the desired application.
    is the name of the monitoring server to which support is being added. For example:
    seedipv6tems kt4.sql TEMSFRT:CMS
    If multiple applications are to be added, then another script file can be created to run all the commands at once. For example, the file with the following can be used: kt4.sql TEMSFRT:CMS knt.sql TEMSFRT:CMS
  6. Use the same procedure to remove application support by using the kxx_del.sql file for application kxx.
