IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

itmcmd config


Use the itmcmd config command to configure or reconfigure the execution environment for an agent or server, including the following IBM Tivoli Monitoring items:
  • The IP port that the hub monitoring server uses to listen for requests
  • The hosts that can run a product
  • The location of the hub monitoring server in the network
  • The monitoring server an agent connects to
  • Whether a monitoring server is a hub or remote server

You can only configure one product at a time. If you reconfigure a monitoring server, you must stop and restart that monitoring server before the changes take effect.

The itmcmd config command prompts for input for the required options. Scripts are located in the install_dir/bin directory where install_dir is the directory into which you installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring.

On UNIX or Linux only, add the same variable and location to the kbbenv.ini file located in itm_installdir/config/kbbenv.ini. If you do not add the variable to the kbbenv.ini file, it is deleted from the KBBENV file the next time the monitoring server is re-configured.

Note: When using the itmcmd config command to configure either the Warehouse Proxy Agent or the Summarization and Pruning agent, note that the command line does not have a validation mechanism like the GUI does.
Note: When using the –A hd options, this command can be used on only UNIX or AIX systems.

CLI syntax

Use the following syntax to configure a monitoring server:

   itmcmd config -S
                  -t tems_name
                  [-h install_dir]
                  [-p silent_response_file]
                  [-r ]
                  [-y ]
                  [-a arch]

   itmcmd config -S
                  -t tems_name
                  [-h install_dir]

   itmcmd config -S
                  [-t tems_name]
                  [-h install_dir]

Use the following syntax to configure a monitoring agent:

   itmcmd config -A
                  [-h install_dir]
                  [-p silent_response_file]
                  [-r ]
                  [-y ]
                  [-a arch]
                  [-t agent_host_name]

   itmcmd config -A
                  [-h install_dir]
                  [-p silent_response_file]
                  [-r ]
                  [-y ]
                  [-a arch]
                  [-o instance_name]

   itmcmd config -A            
                  [-h install_dir]

Use the following syntax to configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Automation Server:

   itmcmd config -A as


Indicates the product code of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server.

Use the following syntax to configure an Oracle agent:

   itmcmd config -A
                  [-h install_dir]
                  [-o "servername,userid,pwd"]

Use the following syntax to configure a Warehouse Proxy agent:

   itmcmd config -A hd

Use the following syntax to configure a Summarization and Pruning agent:

   itmcmd config -A sy

Indicates that you are configuring a monitoring server.
Indicates that you are configuring a monitoring agent.
-h install_dir
(Optional) Identifies the installation directory if it is not the one in which the script is located.

Also use this option to take action on an IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory other than the one in the current system.

-a arch
Specifies the architecture where arch is one of the abbreviations used to indicate architecture.

This parameter enables you to configure an agent and a monitoring server for an architecture other than the one that you are on. For example, if you are on AIX® and want to configure for Solaris computer, then this option is required. Otherwise the default is the computer you are on. (Optional)

Adds application support (catalog and attribute files) to a monitoring server for agents that were not installed or for non-UNIX-based agents. If you specify the -u option, you must also specify the product code (pc) for the agent or agents. Only used with the -S option.
-t tems_name
The name of the monitoring server. (Required)
-o instance_name
The instance name for the agent that you want to start.
Displays the configuration settings.
Configures the component by using a silent response file.
Rebuilds the configuration. This option is only available for the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client and cannot be used with the -p option. Using the -y option with the -r option reconfigures in a silent mode that does not require any confirmations.
The product code for the agent or component that you want to configure.
This option is only used with the -r option. Using the -y option with the -r option reconfigures in a silent mode that does not require any confirmations.

CLI example

The following example configures the monitoring server ms1:
   itmcmd config -S -t hub_ms1

Return values

An exit status of 0 indicates that the command ran successfully. An exit status greater than 0 indicates that there was a failure in the process.

Related commands

Return to Table 1.
