
Review information about IBM® Cloud Manager with OpenStack support and the Nova API services.

For more information about Nova (Compute) API v2, see the following references in the OpenStack community documentation.

The following table describes support exceptions specific to IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack. For information on Hyper-V and KVM hypervisor support, see the Hypervisor Support Matrix in the community documentation.

Table 1. Nova API service support exceptions
API Description Hypervisor


  • The PowerVC driver added an extended_powervm server extension to the Nova './api/openstack/compute/contrib/' directory. This extension provides unique server attributes to PowerVM® by using the IBM-PVM prefix.
  • The VMware driver added a "server_snapshot" extension to the Nova './api/openstack/compute/contrib/' directory. This extension provides vmware-native live snapshot functions from OpenStack APIs. For more information about the live snapshot API, see ../liaca/liaca_cfg_snapshot.html.


Note: For the PowerVC driver, you must not add, update or delete any server instance properties.

PUT v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}

Updates the editable attributes of the specified server.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

DELETE v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}

Deletes a specified server.

Note: If users delete or force-delete a server on the OpenStack cloud, the server is displayed with "No state" status on the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack side.

Server Metadata

Sets, lists, gets details for, and deletes server metadata or metadata items.

Note: The pvc_id server metadata is reserved by the PowerVC driver. All of the pvc server metadata must not be added to, updated, or deleted.

PUT v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/metadata

Sets metadata for the specified resource.
Note: IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack sets only the server metadata when deploying a virtual server, and then any changes to the metadata in OpenStack will not be synchronized to IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack.

PUT v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{key}

Sets a metadata item by key for the specified resource.
Note: IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack sets only the server metadata when deploying a virtual server, and then any changes to the metadata in OpenStack will not be synchronized to IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack.

Server Actions

Performs actions for a specified server, including changing administrator password, rebooting, rebuilding, resizing, and creating image from server.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/action

Changes the password for a server. Specify the changePassword action in the request body.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver
Note: All change server password REST APIs are invalid to IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack. These changes cannot be synchronized to IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack, as IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack does not collect the administrative password from the cloud side.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/action

Reboots the specified server. Specify the reboot action in the request body.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/action

Rebuilds the specified server. Specify the rebuild action in the request body.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver
Note: The following properties cannot be synchronized to IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack: Metadata, adminPass, personality.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/action

Cancels and reverts a pending resize action. Specify the revertResize action in the request body.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.
Note: The "resize" and "confirm resize" actions in IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack are atomic operations.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/action

Creates a new image. Specify the createImage action in the request body.

The VMware driver supports "create image" from the server to the VMware template image or a vmdk image. For more information, see ../liaca/liaca_create_vm_template.html.

Image Metadata

Sets, lists, gets details for, and deletes image metadata or metadata items.

Note: The powervc_uuid image metadata is reserved by the PowerVC driver and must not be updated.

Server Admin Actions

Permits administrators to perform actions on a server.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Pauses a server and changes its status to PAUSED. Specify the pause action in the request body.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver
Note: When the specified server is in "PAUSED" state on the OpenStack side, the state of the server in IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack side is "SUSPENDED". This is the same state after the server was suspended.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Unpauses a PAUSED server and changes its status to ACTIVE. Specify the unpause action in the request body.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Suspends a server and changes its status to SUSPENDED. Specify the suspend action in the request body.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Resumes a SUSPENDED server and changes its status to ACTIVE. Specify the resume action in the request body.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Backs up a server instance. Specify the createBackup action in the request body.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.
Note: Directly backing up an instance from the OpenStack side creates an image of type backup. But from the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack side, it will be an image after synchronization.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Live-migrates a server to a new host without rebooting. Specify the os-migrateLive action in the request body.

PowerVC driver does not support this function.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Resets the state of a server to a specified state. Specify the os-resetState action in the request body.

PowerVC driver does not support this function.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Evacuates a server from failed host. Specify the evacuate action in the request body.

PowerVC driver does not support the "evacuate" function.

Not supported by the VMware driver.

Host Aggregates

Creates and manages host aggregates. An aggregate assigns metadata to groups of compute nodes. Aggregates are only visible to the cloud provider.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/os-aggregates/{aggregate_id}/action

Sets metadata for an aggregate.


POST v2/{tenant_id}/os-aggregates/{aggregate_id}/action

Adds a host to an aggregate.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/os-aggregates/{aggregate_id}/action

Removes a host from an aggregate.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

Attach Interfaces (os-interface)

Create, list, get details for, and delete port interfaces.

POST /v2/​{tenant_id}​/servers/​{server_id}​/os-interface

Creates and uses a port interface to attach the port to a server instance.

Note: You cannot set net-id or fixed-id options when the port-id is specified. Ensure that the virtual machine, network, and the newly created port are placed under the same tenant. If not, the interface attach operation fails.

Server Console Output

Gets the output from the console log for a server.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Gets console output.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

Server Extended Create

Shows extra information when you create a server.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers

Creates a server with the config_drive extended attribute.

Config drive is not supported by PowerVC driver.

GET v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}

Shows information for a specified server, including the config_drive extended attribute.

Config drive is not supported by PowerVC driver.

GET v2/{tenant_id}/servers/detail

Lists details for all servers, including the config_drive extended attribute.

Config drive is not supported by PowerVC driver.

Server Force Delete or Restore

Restores or force-deletes a server when you deploy nova with deferred delete on.

Note: Soft delete (that is deferred delete) is not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Force-deletes a server.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Reverses the deletion of a server.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

Disk Config

Extends servers and images with a diskConfig attribute.

Note: Automatic disk configuration is not supported byPowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Rebuilds a specified server.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver


Manages physical hosts.

PUT v2/{tenant_id}/{host-name}

Enables a host or puts it in maintenance mode.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver

POST v2/{tenant_id}/{host-name}

Starts a host.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver

POST v2/{tenant_id}/{host-name}

Shuts down a host.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver

POST v2/{tenant_id}/{host-name}

Reboots a host.

Not supported by the following drivers:
  • PowerVC driver
  • VMware driver


Generates, imports, and deletes SSH keys.

GET v2/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs

Lists keypairs associated with the account.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs

Generates or imports a keypair.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

DELETE v2/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs/{keypair_name}

Deletes a keypair.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

GET v2/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs/{keypair_name}

Shows a keypair that is associated with the account.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

Server Rescue

Rescues or unrescues a server.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Puts a server in rescue mode. Changes status to RESCUE.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action

Returns a server to its state before it was rescued.

Not supported by PowerVC driver.

Security Groups

Creates, modifies, and deletes security groups and rules.

Note: The PowerVC driver does not support adding or removing security groups to and from an instance. In general, security groups and security group rules are not supported by PowerVC driver currently.

GET v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-groups

Lists security groups.

Network security groups are only supported in the VMware NSX plugin.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-groups

Creates a security group.

Network security groups are only supported in the VMware NSX plugin.

GET v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-groups/{security_group_id}

Gets information for a specified security group.

Network security groups are only supported in the VMware NSX plugin.

DELETE v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-groups/{security_group_id}

Deletes a specified security group.

Network security groups are only supported in the VMware NSX plugin.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-group-rules

Creates a security group rule.

Network security groups are only supported in the VMware NSX plugin.

POST v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-group-rules/{rule_id}

Deletes a security group rule.

Network security groups are only supported in the VMware NSX plugin.

GET v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-security-groups

Lists security groups for a specified server.

Network security groups are only supported in the VMware NSX plugin.