Switching workspaces

CICS Explorer® uses a local workspace folder to save its data and configuration files. You might have more than one workspace, where each workspace contains a different configuration of CICS Explorer. You can switch workspaces at any time.

About this task

By default, the workspace directory of CICS Explorer for Aqua is called .zosexplorer and is located in your local user directory. CICS Explorer on Eclipse Marketplace uses the workspace of the Eclipse it is installed into.

When CICS Explorer is already started, change the workspace location as follows.


  1. On the main menu for the workbench, click File > Switch Workspace > Other.
    The Workspace Launcher dialog is displayed. The Workspace field shows the path of the current workspace.
    Workspace Launcher dialog.
  2. Specify the path of the workspace you require in the Workspace field.
    • If you have switched to the required workspace previously, you can select the path in the Workspace list.
    • To switch to a new workspace, type the path in the Workspace field or use Browse to select the location.
    Note: You cannot use special characters in the name of the workspace directory, even if that directory exists. This is a restriction of the Eclipse platform, which fails to run if installed in a directory whose path contains certain invalid characters, including: :%#<>"!.. If you use invalid characters in the workspace path, Eclipse starts, but the workspace is created in a different location.
  3. Optional: You can copy the settings from the current workspace by selecting the check boxes in the Copy Settings list.
    For example, selecting CICS Explorer View Configurations will copy the view configuration in the old workspace to the one you switch to. For more information about view configuration, see Customizing and sharing resource views with the CICS View Configuration page.
  4. Click OK to switch to the new workspace.


CICS Explorer shuts down, then restarts and uses the new workspace.