Viewing workloads in a CICSplex

You can view all the workloads, routers, and target systems in a CICSplex whether they are active or inactive.

About this task

The WLM operation views show details of the active workloads, including routers, targets, transactions, and affinities. You can access the WLM operations views from the CICS Explorer® menu by clicking Operations > WLM, and selecting a view from the menu. Details of the inactive workloads are shown in the WLM definition view, Workload Specifications. You can access the WLM Specifications view from the CICS Explorer menu by clicking Definitions > WLM, and selecting the view from the menu.

The CICSplex Explorer view has a Workload Management section that shows you the workloads in the CICSplex. The following procedure explains how to manage your workloads from the CICSplex Explorer view.


  1. In the CICSplex Explorer view, expand the CICSplex tree and the Workload Management section to see all the workloads.
  2. Expand the tree for an active workload to see router and target systems that are associated with the workload.
    A screen capture of the CICSplex Explorer view showing CICSplex CICSEXP2 expanded to show two workloads - EXPWRK1 with two routers and three target regions and EXPWRK2 with two routers and three target regions.


The selected workload, its associated routers, and target regions are shown in the view. Text, in parenthesis, after the workload or routing region name indicates the status of the workload or target region at the time when the view was refreshed. One of the following statuses can apply:
Indicates that the workload, or target region, is active.
Active SOS
Indicates that the workload, or target region, is active but is short on storage.
Indicates that the workload, or target region, is active but is running a system or transaction dump.
Indicates that the workload, or target region, is active but is at Max Tasks (MXT).
Indicates that the workload, or target region, is active but is stalled.
The view does not refresh automatically, so to see the latest status, you must refresh the view.
You can view further details of the workloads and associated systems:
  • Double-click an active workload to see the default routing details for the workload.
  • Double-click a routing rule to see details for the rule.
  • Double-lick a router region or target region to see the details for the region.
  • Double-click an inactive workload to open the Workload Specification editor for that workload.