Verifying the installation

After installing the operator and operands. you can verifying the installation.

To verify the installation, use the following steps:

  1. Check the status of each custom resource.
     oc get prometheusprobe,kafkaprobe,pulsarprobe,jdbcgateway,pulsargateway  -o custom-columns="NAMESPACE:metadata.namespace,,PHASE:status.phase"
  2. Verify that the PHASE status of each instance is OK.
  3. Check status of the pods.
    oc get pods
  4. Verify that all pods status is Running.

Phase status

The Phase status property provides the current phase of the probe or gateway instances. This property can take one the following values:

Initializing: The operator is processing the operand custom resource and initializing the required Kubernetes resources.

Creating: The operator is creating the Kubernetes resources.

Reconciling: The operator is reconciling the operand and may perform updates.

OK: There are no errors. The instance was created successfully and is running.

Error: There was a ReconcileError.