Ports information and firewall requirements

This section describes which ports need to be exposed to allow clients to connect to them.

Server type integrations such as the Probe for Prometheus (PrometheusProbe) can be configured to expose the service which may require your firewall administrator to open certain ports for clients to connect to them.

Client type integrations such as the Probe for Kafka Integration (KafkaProbe), Probe for Pulsar Integration (PulsarProbe), and Gateway for JDBC Integration (JDBCGateway) and Gateway for Pulsar Integration (PulsarGateway) does not require ports to be exposed.

Table 1. Ports and protocols required to allow ingress communication
From To Ports Function Integration Kind
External HTTP event sources Probe webhook 443 / 80 Send HTTP(s) POST notifications to the probe. WebhookProbe and PrometheusProbe

Each probe and gateway instances creates a NetworkPolicy resource to allow ingress and egress traffic to the pods by default. You can list the NetworkPolicy resources using the oc get networkpolicy command.