Gathering information for IBM Support

This topic describes how to gather information for IBM® Support.

To help IBM Support to troubleshoot any issues observed in your IBM Netcool® Operations Insight® Event Integration instance, use the following procedure to collect logs and information from your cluster:

  1. Log in to your Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform by using the oc CLI. You must login as a namespace administrator or a cluster administrator who has permissions to read resources in the target namespace.
  2. Set the namespace variable to the namespace where the instance is deployed:
    export namespace=my-namespace
  3. Get the instance description in your namespace:

    1. To get a specific instance resource description, run the following command:
      kubectl get prometheusprobe,kafkaprobe,webhookprobe,pulsargateway,jdbcgateway,kafkagateway --namespace $namespace
       kubectl describe <instance kind>/<instance name> --namespace $namespace 

      Replace <instance kind> and <instance name> in the second command with the resource name from the output from the first command.

    2. Or run the following command to get all instance descriptions in the namespace and capture the command output:
      for i in $(kubectl get prometheusprobe,kafkaprobe,webhookprobe,pulsargateway,jdbcgateway,kafkagateway --no-headers --namespace
      $namespace | awk '{print $1}'); do kubectl describe $i ; done
  4. Get the pod names of the instance:

    kubectl get pods -l --namespace $namespace
  5. Using the pod names from the previous command, run the following command to get the instance pod logs and capture the command output:
    kubectl logs <pod name>

    If there is more than one pod, run the same command for each pod name.

  6. Capture the operator deployment resource description:
    kubectl describe deployment netcool-integrations-operator --namespace $namespace
  7. Capture the operator pod logs:
    kubectl get pods -l  --namespace $namespace
    kubectl logs <operator-pod> --namespace $namespace

    Replace <operator-pod> in the command with the name of the operator pod from the kubectl get pods output.

  8. Get the list of ConfigMap used by your instance and its data:
    kubectl get configmap --namespace $namespace
    kubectl kubectl describe <configmap> --namespace $namespace

    Replace <configmap> with the ConfigMap name from the kubectl get configmap output. You should provide each ConfigMap data for troubleshooting.

    To help IBM Support to troubleshoot any issues observed in your IBM Netcool Operations Insight Event Integration instance, follow the procedure below to collect logs and information from your cluster.

    1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform by using the oc CLI. You must login as a namespace administrator or cluster administrator who has permissions to read resources in the target namespace.
    2. Set the namespace variable with the namespace where the instance is deployed.
    export namespace=my-namespace