V4.2 FixPack 2:

Scoping and filtering geographical views

To improve visibility and performance, you might want to limit the devices that are displayed in geographical views.

About this task

The number of items rendered on a geographical map depends on how many devices, locations, and links are in scope to be displayed, and how many of those in-scope items you choose to filter out. To keep the total items that are included in a view down to a number that allows for clear navigation and good performance, use the scoping methods described in this task. If you want to reduce the number of in-scope items that are displayed for a particular view, use the filtering methods described in this task.


  1. To scope the GIS Device Map to a particular set of devices, select the devices in a topology view, right click and select Show on Map.
  2. To scope the GIS Device Map to a particular Network View, add the Network Views widget and the GIS Device Map to a page.
    When you select a Network View, the GIS Device Map updates to display all devices with location information in that Network View.
  3. To open the GIS Device Map scoped to a particular network view by using a URL, construct a URL similar to the following:

    In the preceding example, 760 is the numeric ID of a network view.

  4. To scope the GIS Device Map to a particular geographical area, construct a URL similar to the following:
    https://server:port/ibm/console/ncp_gis/NetKitMapWidget.jsp?bounds=((northern latitude,western longitude),(southern latitude,eastern longitude))

    Where the latitudes and longitudes define the corners of a geographical area. For example:

  5. To filter the items that are shown in the map, click the Map Configuration icon in the upper left of the GIS Device Map. Select the Topology Filtering tab in the Map Configuration window.
    1. Select domains in the Domain section to include and exclude devices by domain.
    2. Select device classes in the Device Class section to include and exclude devices by class.
    3. Select the option in the Connectivity section to display or hide links between devices or locations.
    4. Select the option in the Connectivity section to enable or disable links within locations.
    5. Select network layers in the Connectivity section to include and exclude links on a particular network layer.