V4.2 FixPack 3:

Integrating an online or offline Web Map Service

You can set up a WMS (Web Map Service) integration to display geographical maps. Some WMS integrations can display maps without internet access.

About this task

To integrate a WMS, complete the following steps:


  1. Install a mapping provider that implements the WMS standard. Refer to the documentation for the version of the provider that you are installing.
  2. Configure the mapping provider to use SSL.
  3. Run the mapping provider and verify that it is working correctly.
    You might want to cache a public WMS as a test.
  4. Configure a base mapping layer to use a WMS mapping provider.
    1. Back up and edit the following file: $JazzSM_HOME/profile/installedApps/JazzSMNode01Cell/isc.ear/ncp_gis.war/resources/config.json
    2. Configure a new section within the baseLayersDefn section and specify the correct parameters.

      The WMS parameters that are accepted by OpenLayers are listed at http://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/ol.source.TileWMS.html. The parameters that you must use are defined in the WMS request specification of your WMS server.

      Use the following syntax for parameters: "PARAM_NAME":"PARAM_VALUE". To avoid errors, use a validation tool to validate the JSON.

    3. To configure the new base layer as the default, set the baseLayer value to the baseLayerName of the new base layer.

    The following example configures parameters for a GeoServer integration.

    "baseMapLayerName": "IBM Network Management",
        "baseLayer": "My Custom GeoServer WMS Layer",
        "baseLayersDefn": [
                "baseLayerName": "My Custom GeoServer WMS Layer",
    	     "baseLayerType": "wms",
                "url": "https://offline:443/geoserver/wms",
                "params": {
                    "REQUEST": "GetMap",
                    "FORMAT": "image/png",
                    "SRS": "EPSG:4326",
                    "BBOX": "-104.2822265625,33.5302734375,-87.4072265625,40.78125",
                    "VERSION": "1.1.1",
                    "STYLES": "",
                    "SERVICE": "WMS",
                    "WIDTH": "768 ",
                    "HEIGHT": "330",
                    "TRANSPARENT": "true",
                    "LAYERS": "topp:states"
    If you do not specify any parameters in the "params": {} section, leave the section empty.
    Important: Do not delete any empty sections from the configuration file. Missing sections can cause errors.

    For offline map integration, the baseLayerType value must be wms.

    Specify any unique descriptive name for the baseLayerName.