
Use this script to configure network management reports to work with an existing installation of Reporting Services.

Running the script

Run this script as the user that installed Network Manager.

The following example deploys reports and configures Oracle data sources. -d ncim -p netcool -h machine123 -n 1521 -z oracle -b NCIM42 
-e ncim -k lk -t /opt/IBM/JazzSM -i install

The following example deploys reports and configures Db2® data sources. -d netcool -p netcool -h machine123 -n 50000 -z db2 -b NCIM42 
-e db2inst1 -t /opt/IBM/JazzSM -i install

Command-line options

The following table describes the command-line options for the configTCR script.

Table 1. configTCR command-line options
Command-line option Description
-b database_name | service_name Optional. The NCIM Db2 database name or NCIM Oracle service name.
-d password

The password for the NCIM database. This could be on the local machine or on a remote host.

-e username Optional. The username to use to connect to the NCIM database.
-h hostname Optional. The hostname of the server where the NCIM database is installed.
-i install

Optional. Specifies that the network management reports are to be installed. You must use the install parameter in all cases after option -i. Used by the Network Manager installation, but also used if you need to install a report package provided in a fix pack.

-j jazz_admin_name The administrator username for Jazz for Service Management .
-n port Optional. The NCIM database port.
-p jazz_admin_password

The password for the Jazz for Service Management administrator.

-r path_to_reports_package

Optional. If your Network Manager installation has the reports package in a non-default location, you can define where the package is using this option.

Oracle:-s Oracle:

Optional. Specifies that the Oracle database name is used instead of using the Oracle service name. By default, service name is used.

-t jazz_location

The location where Jazz for Service Management is installed.

-z db2 | oracle The database server type. Can be db2 or oracle.