Configuring FileNet

By providing the configuration values for a FileNet domain, you are supplying the values that are needed to bootstrap into a domain.

Before you begin

Within IBM® StoredIQ® Data Server, the FileNet domain must be configured prior to any FileNet volumes being created.
Note: With regards to object storage for FileNet cluster set ups, use other storage mechanisms than database (BLOB) storage. Additionally, files larger than 100MB should not be written to database storage.


  1. Go to Administration > Data sources > Specify Servers > FileNet domain configurations.
  2. Click Add new FileNet domain configuration
    The FileNet domain configuration editor page appears.
  3. In the FileNet domain configuration editor page, configure these fields:
    1. In the Configuration name text box, enter the configuration name for this server.
    2. In the Server name text box, enter the server name.
    3. In the Connection list, select the connection type.
    4. In the Port text box, enter the port number.
    5. In the Path text box, enter the path for this server.
    6. In the Stanza text box, enter the stanza information for this server.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.