Removing a functioning replica from a clan

To remove a replica that is still accessible and functioning, perform the steps in this topic. The example syntax shows how to remove the replica in the DOC family at site tokyo and decommission the site named tokyo for a clan that also includes sites sanfran_hub and boston_hub (which contains the working schema repository).

About this task

Each command must be entered on a single physical line.
  1. Stop all work on the replica to be removed. Import all update packets.
  2. Transfer mastership of all objects to another replica.

    At site tokyo, run this command:

    multiutil chmaster -clan telecomm -site tokyo -family DOC -user masako
    -password secret boston_hub -all -long 

    If the chmaster command reports errors, fix them and run the command again.

  3. If you are decommissioning the entire site, you must also transfer mastership of users and groups in the site’s schema repository.

    At site tokyo, run this command:

    multiutil chmaster -clan telecomm -site tokyo -family MASTR -user masako
    -password secret boston_hub -all -long 

    If the chmaster command reports errors, fix them and run the command again.

  4. Send an update packet to the site receiving mastership.

    At site tokyo, run this command:

    multiutil syncreplica -export -clan telecomm -site tokyo -family DOC 
    -user masako -password secret -workdir c:\work -fship boston_hub 

    At site boston_hub, run this command:

    multiutil syncreplica -import -clan telecomm -site boston_hub -family DOC 
    -user susan -password passwd -receive 
  5. Send an update packet from the site receiving mastership to all remaining sites.

    At site boston_hub, run this command:

    multiutil syncreplica -export -clan telecomm -site boston_hub -family DOC 
    -user susan -password passwd -workdir c:\work -fship sanfran_hub 

    At site sanfran_hub, run this command:

    multiutil syncreplica -import -clan telecomm -site sanfran_hub -family DOC 
    -user jcole -password secret -receive 
  6. At the working schema repository site, run the rmreplica command. Be sure to include the final argument, which is the replica you want to remove.

    At site boston_hub , run this command:

    multiutil rmreplica -clan telecomm -site boston_hub -family DOC 
    -user susan -password passwd tokyo 
  7. If you are deleting the last replica of a family, you must run deactivate at the working master site.

    At site boston_hub, run this command:

    multiutil deactivate -clan telecomm -site boston_hub -family DOC 
    -user susan -password passwd  
  8. Send an update packet from the working schema repository site to all other sites.

    At site boston_hub, run this command:

    multiutil syncreplica -export -clan telecomm -site boston_hub -family DOC 
    -user susan -password passwd -workdir c:\work -fship sanfran_hub 

    At site sanfran_hub, run this command:

    multiutil syncreplica -import -clan telecomm -site sanfran_hub -family DOC 
    -user jcole -password secret -receive 
  9. Remove the vendor databases for the replicas that were removed.
Note: Rational® ClearQuest® MultiSite does not support the use of a database after it has been removed from a clan using rmreplica. Attempting to use such a database may result in data corruption.
