CPXXwritemipstarts and CPXwritemipstarts

The routine CPXXwritemipstarts/CPXwritemipstarts writes a range of MIP starts of a CPLEX problem object to a file in MST format.

int CPXXwritemipstarts( CPXCENVptrenv, CPXCLPptrlp, char const *filename_str, intbegin, intend )

int CPXwritemipstarts( CPXCENVptrenv, CPXCLPptrlp, char const *filename_str, intbegin, intend )


The routine CPXXwritemipstarts/CPXwritemipstarts writes a range of MIP starts of a CPLEX problem object to a file in MST format. The level of detail written into a MST file can be controlled using the parameter write level for MST, SOL files (CPX_PARAM_WRITELEVEL).

The MST format is an XML format and is documented in the stylesheet solution.xsl and schema solution.xsd in the include directory of the CPLEX distribution. CPLEX File Formats Reference Manual also documents this format briefly.


A pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXXopenCPLEX/CPXopenCPLEX.
A pointer to the CPLEX problem object as returned by CPXXcreateprob/CPXcreateprob.
A character string containing the name of the file to which the MIP start information should be written.
An integer specifying the beginning of the range of MIP starts to be written.
An integer specifying the end of the range of MIP starts to be written.


The routine returns 0 (zero) if successful and nonzero if an error occurs.

See also