CPXXsetintparam and CPXsetintparam

The routine CPXXsetintparam/CPXsetintparam sets the value of a CPLEX parameter of type CPXINT.

int CPXXsetintparam( CPXENVptrenv, intwhichparam, CPXINTnewvalue )

int CPXsetintparam( CPXENVptrenv, intwhichparam, CPXINTnewvalue )


The routine CPXXsetintparam/CPXsetintparam sets the value of a CPLEX parameter of type CPXINT.

The CPLEX Parameters Reference Manual provides a list of parameters with their types, options, and default values.


A pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXXopenCPLEX/CPXopenCPLEX.
The symbolic constant (or reference number) of the parameter to change.
The new value of the parameter.


The routine returns 0 (zero) if successful and nonzero if an error occurs.


status = CPXsetintparam (env, CPXPARAM_Advance, CPX_ON);

See also lpex1.c in the CPLEX User's Manual.


The argument whichparam denotes a parameter of type CPX_PARAMTYPE_INT. For compatibility with previous versions of the product, this routine also accepts parameters of type CPX_PARAMTYPE_LONG. If the parameter denoted by whichparam is of type CPX_PARAMTYPE_LONG, then a newvalue smaller than 2100000000 is assigned to the parameter. If newvalue is instead greater than or equal to 2100000000 (meaning unlimited in size, practically equivalent to infinity) then the value 9223372036800000000 is assigned to the parameter, meaning unlimited in size, practically equivalent to infinity for parameters of type CPX_PARAMTYPE_LONG. Analogously, values smaller than -2100000000 are transformed to -9223372036800000000.