Adding an existing application with drag and drop


  1. On your workstation, locate the application (.paf, .war, .ear, .sln, .dsw, or .ewf) that you want to add for scanning. You can also add a directory that contains .war or .ear files (in some application servers, these are called drop-in folders).
    Note: You cannot drag and drop Eclipse workspace directories.
    Note: If you are adding a .war or .ear file, or a directory that contains .war or .ear files, the files must be on your local file system or in a mapped drive.
    Note: To learn which versions of imported files are supported by AppScan® Source for Analysis, AppScan Source for Automation, and the AppScan Source command line interface, see At this page, select the tab for the version of AppScan Source that you are using - and then select the AppScan Source component that you are using. If AppScan Source supports opening and scanning files from other development environments, that support is listed in the Compilers and Languages section of the Supported Software tab.
  2. Select the application and then drag it to the Explorer view.
  3. Drop the selection on or beneath the All Applications node.
  4. If you are adding a .war or .ear file, or a directory that contains .war or .ear files, a dialog box will open that allows you to specify the application server that the file or files are deployed to. Click OK after completing this dialog box.