Reference: Utility control statement parameters

The following table lists the utility control statement parameters that are used to specify the operation of the integrated auxiliary utilities.

The parameters are listed in alphabetic order. Each row in the table indicates whether the parameter is valid on the UTILGBL() environmental statement and on the ADD IB(), ADD IC(), or ADD PC() commands. The table also indicates which utility the parameter is associated with.

Table 1. Utility control statement parameters that specify the operation of the integrated auxiliary utilities
Utility control statement parameter Integrated auxiliary utility Valid on UTILGBL() Valid on ADD(IB()) Valid on ADD(IC()) Valid on ADD(PC()) Description
BITMAP IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to generate the Bit Map Display report for the HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM database.
BLD_PRIMARY IMS Index Builder Yes Yes No No Specifies options for rebuilding the primary index of the full function database.
BLD_SECONDARY Build Index function of FPA and IMS Index Builder Yes Yes No No Specifies the options for rebuilding the secondary index.
COMP IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies whether the image copy is to be compressed.
COMPRTN IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the name of the image copy compression routine.
DATACLAS IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the SMS-managed data class that is used to allocate the image copy.
DSN IMS HP Image Copy Yes No No No Specifies the template that is used to name the primary image copy data set.
DSN2 IMS HP Image Copy Yes No No No Specifies the template that is used to name the secondary image copy data set.
DSNTYPE IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies whether the image copy can be allocated as Large Format data sets or as Basic Format data sets.
DUMPFORM IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies the format of the internal control blocks that are printed.
EXPDT IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the expiration date for the output image copy data set.
FABASNAP IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to generate the FABASNAP report when using DEDB Pointer Checker.
FSEMAP IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to generate the Free Space Map report for the HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM database.
FSNUM Build Index function of FPA Yes Yes No No Specifies the maximum number of address spaces for the Build Index function of FPA that are started in parallel.
FSPREF Build Index function of FPA Yes No No No Specifies the prefix for creating the job name for the Build Index function of FPA.
HALDB IMS Index Builder or DFSPREC0 1 Yes Yes No No Specifies the options for rebuilding HALDB ILDS and primary index.
IBPREF IMS Index Builder Yes No No No Specifies the prefix that is used for creating the IMS Index Builder job name.
ICBUF IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the number of buffers that are used for referencing the image copy data set.
ICCAT IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies whether the output image copy is cataloged or not.
ICHLQ IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the high-level qualifier for naming the primary image copy data set.
ICHLQ2 IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the high-level qualifier for naming the secondary image copy data set.
ICNDX The Build Index function of FPA and IMS Index Builder Yes Yes No No Specifies whether the secondary indexes are image copied.
ICNMRULE IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the naming convention that is used for the output image copy data set.
ILDS IMS Index Builder Yes Yes No No Specifies whether to build the ILE records or to initialize the data set without building any ILE records in the ILDS build process.
INPUT IMS Index Builder Yes Yes No No Specifies the type of input that is used to build indexes.
INTERVAL IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies the interval at which the Interval Statistics report and the Interval Free Space Summary report are produced.
INTFS IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to generate the Interval Free Space Summary report for the HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM database.
INTST IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to generate the Interval Statistics report for the HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM database.
ITKBSRVR Not Applicable Yes No No No Specifies the name of the IMS Tools KB server XCF Group.
KEYLABEL IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the name of the key label that is used to encrypt the image copy output data sets.
MAXFSD IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to generate the Maximum Free Space Distribution report for the HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM database.
MGMTCLAS IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the SMS-managed management class that is used to allocate the image copy.
NOTIFY IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies if the image copy data set is registered to DBRC or not.
PCJOBNM IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No No Specifies the job name that is used for generating the IMS HP Pointer Checker job.
PCPREF IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No No Specifies the prefix that is used for generating the IMS HP Pointer Checker job name.
PCPROCNM IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No No Specifies the procedure name that is used to start the IMS HP Pointer Checker DMB Analyzer subordinate address space.
PRINTDATA IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies the option for printing IMS HP Pointer Checker data.
PRPREF DFSPREC0 Yes No No No Specifies the prefix that is used for creating the DFSPREC0 job name.
RETPD IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the retention period for the output image copy data set.
RUNTM IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to generate the separator page for DB/DSG reports with Runtime Option.
SORTFSZ IMS Index Builder Yes Yes No No Specifies the estimated number of records to be sorted.
SORTOPT IMS Index Builder Yes Yes No No Specifies the sort parameters to be appended to the SORT OPTION command.
SPACE IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the space parameters for allocating the image copy data set.
SSPCHECK IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies whether to perform subset pointer checking during the hash check process.
STACK IMS HP Image Copy Yes No No No Specifies the option that is used for stacking image copies.
STORCLAS IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the SMS-managed storage class that is used to allocate the image copy.
T2CHK IMS HP Pointer Checker Yes No No Yes Specifies the T2 error processing option.
UNIT IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the unit that is used for allocating the primary image copy data set.
UNIT2 IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the unit that is used for allocating the secondary image copy data set.
VIC IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the virtual image copy processing option.
VICDSN IMS HP Image Copy Yes No No No Specifies the data set name that is used for registering virtual image copies.
VOLCNT IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the maximum number of volumes for allocating the output image copy data set.
VOLSER IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the volume serial numbers that are used for allocating the primary image copy data set.
VOLSER2 IMS HP Image Copy Yes No Yes No Specifies the volume serial numbers that are used for allocating the secondary image copy data set.
WAITALOC IMS HP Image Copy Yes No No No Specifies whether to display the WAIT option in message IEF238D when dynamic allocation on the tape unit fails.
WAITMSG IMS HP Image Copy Yes No No No Specifies whether to display the FABJ3929A WTO message on the operator console, when dynamic allocation is being done on the tape unit. This keyword is effective for the dynamic allocation (SVC99) reason codes 214, 220, 228, or 484.
WAITTIME IMS HP Image Copy Yes No No No Specifies the wait time for repeating the dynamic allocation on the tape unit when the dynamic allocation reason code (SVC99) is 214, 220, 228, or 484.
  • If using Index Builder and HALDB without the free space option, the utility is IMS Index Builder, otherwise the utility is DFSPREC0.