Specifying IDCAMS Delete/Define options

The IDCAMS Delete/Define options are used when the DR preparation job creates IDCAMS delete/define cards for each DBDS defined to IMS.


  1. On the Update Disaster Recovery Profile panel (BSY$DPRM), specify U in the Generate DBDS Delete/Define field and press Enter.
     BSY$DPDD V2R2 --- Specify Delete/Define Options ---- 2021/06/15  13:53:33 
     Option  ===>                                                                   
      Creator: TSMXD     Name: IDA DR                             User: TSMXDA       
      Share Option: U  (Upd,View,No)    Description:                               
      IMS System/Group: IDA                                                         
      DBDS Delete/Define Option ==> P (None/Global/PDS)
      SMS/VOLSER Option         ==> 4 (1=Gen SMS and/or VOLSER)
                                      (2=Gen SMS only)
                                      (3=Gen SMS and VOL(*,*..))
                                      (4=Do not Gen SMS or VOL)
      If DBDS Delete/Define Option is PDS:
      Delete/Define PDS Option ==> 2 (1=Override in recovery options)  
                                     (2=Pass to recovery JCL)
                                     (3=Create PDS only) 
      Key label replication     ==> Y  (Yes/No)
  2. On the Specify Delete/Define Options panel (BSY$DPDD), specify the following options:
    DBDS Delete/Define Option
    Specify N to indicate that no IDCAMS delete/define cards should be created. Specify G to indicate that global IDCAMS delete/define cards should be created in the DR PDS in members ssidDBDL (delete cards) and ssidDBDF (define cards). Specify P to create a PDS that contains the delete/define cards where a member is created by DD name.
    SMS/VOLSER Option
    Specify the type of SMS and/or VOLSER information you want created for each define card. Specify 1 if you want to replicate the SMS/VOLSER information from the existing data set. Specify 2 if you want only the SMS information created; if this option is selected and the data set is not SMS managed, then the VOLSER information will be created. Specify 3 if you want the SMS information created, but instead of actual VOLSERs, a VOLSER(*,*...*) parameter will be created. Specify 4 if you do not want SMS or VOLSER information created.
    PDS Name
    If the DBDS Delete/Define Option is set to P, then specify the data set name of the PDS that will be created to contain the delete/define cards. Specify the fully qualified data set name with no quotes. If this exists when the DR preparation job runs, it will be deleted and reallocated.
    Delete/Define PDS Option
    If the DBDS Delete/Define Option is set to P, then specify what you want done with the IDCAMS delete/define PDS when the recovery jobs are executed at the DR site. Specify 1 if you want this PDS to be used in the recovery and index rebuild options as the IDCAMS delete/define PDS. If a data set is already specified, this data set will override the specification. Specify 2 if you want this data set to be passed to the JCL skeletons that are created at recovery time for the recovery and index rebuild jobs. Specify 3 if you only want the data set created.
    Key label replication
    If you are using z/OS® data set encryption for DBDS, encrypted DBDS has an encryption key label. If the DBDS Delete/Define Option is active, you can specify the DBDS key label replication option. Specify Y if you want the existing key label information to be set on the KEYLABEL parameter of the DEFINE CLUSTER command. Specify N if you do not want the key label information to be set. The default value is Y.
    You can assign a key label also by SMS Data Class definition. If you assign a key label by SMS Data Class definition at remote site, you should set N for the key label replication option.
  3. When you are finished, press Enter.