Creating disaster recovery profiles

To use the IMS Recovery Expert disaster recovery feature, you must build a disaster recovery profile and ensure that the job produced from the profile is run on a regular basis.

About this task

The Archive Log options, Change Accumulation options, Image copy options, and Application Recovery options should only be customized if it is a Point-In-Time recovery. If you select to perform a recovery to backup, then these options will no longer be updatable since no recovery is needed after restoring the System Level Backup.


  1. Specify 1 (System Operations) on the Option line of the IMS Recovery Expert main menu panel (BSY$MAIN) and press Enter.
    Figure 1. System Operations Menu panel (BSY$SYMN)
     BSY$SYMN V2R2    ------------------- System Operations Menu -------------------
     Option  ===>                                                                   
                                                             2021/09/06  13:49:43   
                                                             User: PDMONA  - BSY    
          1. IMS System Analysis and Configuration                                  
          2. System Backup Profiles                                                 
          3. System Level Backup Operations                                         
          4. Disaster Recovery Profiles                                             

  2. On the System Operations Menu panel, specify 4 (Disaster Recovery Profiles) on the Option line, and press Enter.
    Figure 2. Enter Disaster Recovery Profile Selection Criteria panel (BSY$XDRK)
     Enter Disaster Recovery Profile Selection Criteria  
        Profile Like  *                                  
        Creator Like  *                                  
        SSID    Like  *                                  

  3. On the Enter Disaster Recovery Profile Selection Criteria panel, specify a profile name, a creator name or mask, or a system ID name in the Profile Like, Creator Like, and SSID Like fields. You can also use wildcard characters such as an asterisk (*) in any or all of these fields. Press Enter.
    Figure 3. Disaster Recovery Profile Display panel (BSY$XDRD)
     BSY$XDRD  V2R2  --- Disaster Recovery Profile Display --- 2021/06/30  14:04:43 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     Line Commands: D - Delete  U - Update  B - Build  P - Report  H - History        
                    C - Create  R - Rename  V - View   G - Group                    
      Profile Like  *                                    SSID Like  *               
      Creator Like  *                                    Row 1 of 109        +>     
     Cmd  Name                            Creator   Group Updt                      
          ABC                             PDBATB    IBA2   U                        
          ABCDEFG                         PDBATA    IAA    U                        
          BAT                             PDBATA    IAA    U                        
          BAT - IAA                       PDBAT     IAA    U                        
          BAT TRY                         PDBAT     EMC    V                        
          BATTRY                          PDBATA    I9A2   U                        
          BAT5                            PDBATA    IAA    U                        
          COORDINATED DR                  PDBISC    IBA2   U                        
          CSLB TEST DR PROFILE            CSTSUK    TSLB   U                        
          EMC DR1/1                       CSOSTR    EMC    U                        

    On the Disaster Recovery Profile Display panel, the profiles that meet your selection criteria are listed.

  4. To create a new profile, specify C on the Cmd line and press Enter.
    Figure 4. Enter New Disaster Recovery Profile Data panel (BSY$DPRC)
        Enter New Disaster Recovery Profile Data      
        Creator       PDMONA                                
        Profile Name                                        
        IMS SSID      EMC    (? for system list)            
        Update Option U      (Update, View only, No access) 

  5. On the Enter New Disaster Recovery Profile Data panel, specify information in the following fields.
    This field displays your user ID as the profile creator.
    Profile Name
    Specify a name for the profile. This name can be up to 30 characters.
    (Optional) Specify descriptive information for the profile.
    Specify the IMS SSID or an IMS Recovery Expert group ID for the profile. If you specify an ID of an IMS SSID that is associated with an IMS Recovery Expert group, IMS Recovery Expert will automatically replace the IMS SSID with the group name. Specify ? for a list of all IMS systems registered in IMS Recovery Expert.
    Update option
    This option controls how other users can use this recovery profile.
    • Specify U to allow other users to update the profile.
    • Specify V to allow other users to view but not update the profile.
    • Specify N to prevent other users from viewing or updating the profile.
  6. When you have finished specifying information on the Enter New Disaster Recovery Profile Data panel, press Enter.
    Figure 5. Update Disaster Recovery Profile panel (BSY$DPRM)
     BSY$DPRM V2R2 ----- Update Disaster Recovery Profile ---- 2021/08/18  15:53:03 
     Option  ===>                                                                   
      Creator: PDBISC     Name: IAA                              User: PDBISC       
      Share Option: U  (Upd,View,No)    Description: RECOVER TO PIT                 
      IMS System/Group: IAA                                                         
     DR Profile Options:                                                            
       DR Method                    ==> I  (SLB/Image Copy)                         
       DR Site Recovery point       ==> P  (Backup/Point in Time)                   
         SLB Used for DR            ==> R  (Localsite/Recoverysite)                 
       Process Archive Logs for DR  ==> Y  (Yes/No/Update)                          
       Process Change Accums for DR ==> Y  (Yes/No/Update)                          
       Process Image Copies for DR  ==> Y  (Yes/No/Update)                          
       Customize RECON dataset name ==> N  (Yes/No)                                 
       Run Health Check             ==> N  (Yes/No/Update)   
       Use System Recovery Profiles ==> N  (Yes/No)                                 
       Update DR Recovery Options   ==> N  (Yes/No)                                 
       Use Multijob for DR Restore  ==> Y  (Yes/No/Update)          
       Generate DBDS Delete/Define  ==> Y  (Yes/No/Update)
       Mark DBDS Recovery Needed    ==> N  (Yes/No)
       Dump RECON to DR PDS         ==> Y  (Yes/No)                                 
       Save DR Prep Job in DR PDS   ==> N  (Yes/No)                                 
       Disable old backup in DR PDS ==> N  (Yes/No)
       Archive OLDS at DR site      ==> Y  (Yes/No/Update) 
       Delete all SUBSYS in RECON   ==> N  (Yes/No)  
       Recover IMS catalog first    ==> N  (Yes/No)
       External Subsystem           ==> Db2P                                        

  7. On the Update Disaster Recovery Profile panel, specify information for the following disaster recovery options:
    DR Method
    Specify the type of recovery to use at the disaster recovery site. Specify S to have IMS Recovery Expert generate JCL to restore an SLB as the starting point for remote site recovery. Specify I if you want IMS Recovery Expert to generate JCL to recover IMS databases using image copies and any change accums and archive logs, if specified. An image copy disaster recovery method will not use an SLB in recovery at the remote site.
    DR Site Recovery Point
    Specify your Recovery Point Objective at the disaster recovery site. Specify B if you want IMS Recovery Expert to generate JCL to recover to the last System Level Backup. Specify P if you want IMS Recovery Expert to process and generate JCL for recovery to the end of existing archive logs. This option is set to P if an image copy disaster recovery method is specified.
    SLB Used for DR
    Specify which System Level Backups will be used as the base for disaster recovery. Specify L for local site backups or R for recovery site backups. This option is not applicable if an image copy disaster recovery method is specified.
    Process Archive Logs for DR
    Specify N if you do not want to process archive logs, specify Y if you want to process archive logs, or specify U to go to the archive log options panel. This option is set to Y if an External Subsystem is specified.
    Process Change Accums for DR
    Specify N if you do not want to process Change Accumulation data sets, specify Y if you want to process Change Accumulation data sets, or specify U to go to the Change Accumulation options panel.
    Process Image Copies for DR
    Specify N if you do not want to process Image Copy data sets, specify Y if you want to process Image Copy data sets, or specify U to go to the Image Copy options panel. This option is set to Y if an image copy disaster recovery method is specified.
    Customize RECON data set name
    Specify if you want to update the name mask for the disaster recovery site RECON data set names. Specify Y if you want to update RECON data set names, or N if you do not want to update them.
    Run Health Check
    Specify whether you want to execute the Health Check function against the conditioned RECON data sets after the DR preparation job has completed the conditioning. Specify Y if you want to execute Health Check, or N if you do not want to execute Health Check. Specify U to view and update the options to use when performing Health Check. For a description of the options and their values, see Running a Health Check.
    Update DR Recovery Options
    Specify if you want to update the options for application recovery at the disaster recovery site. Specify Y to go to the recovery options panel, or specify N to use the existing recovery options.
    Use System Recovery Profiles
    Specify Y if you want to use system recovery profiles at the disaster recovery site for performing database recovery. If you specify Y and no system recovery profiles exist other than the default System recovery profile, then this field will default to N and you will receive an error message. For more information about specifying system recovery profiles, see (Optional) Using system recovery profiles to recover groups of databases.
    Use Multijob for DR Restore
    Using multiple jobs reduces the time it takes to perform restore processes. Specify Y if you want restore processes to use multiple jobs, U to update the options, or N to use a single job. If you specify Y or U, the Multijob Options panel will open and you can specify Multijob options to be used for the restore job at the disaster recovery site. For more information about specifying these options, see Editing multijob options for restore.
    Generate DBDS Delete/Define
    Specify whether you want the DR preparation job to create IDCAMS delete/define cards for each DBDS defined to IMS when it executes. If you specify N, then no cards are created. If you specify Y, then the cards are created based on the Specify Delete/Define Options panel (BSY$DPDD). To access the Specify Delete/Define Options panel, specify U for this option and press Enter. For more information about specifying these options, see Specifying IDCAMS Delete/Define options.
    Mark DBDS Recovery Needed
    The DR preparation job has the ability to mark each DBDS as recovery needed, and each AREA as unavailable in the conditioned RECON data sets to ensure that they cannot be accessed prior to recovery. If you want this process performed, specify Y. If you do not want this process performed, specify N. This option is only valid when the DR Method is set to Image Copy.
    Dump RECON to DR PDS
    Specify whether you want the DR preparation job to copy the conditioned RECON data set into the disaster recovery PDS. When the conditioned RECON is dumped, jobs are built to redefine and reload the RECON data sets from this member. Specify Y if you want the conditioned RECON dumped to the disaster recovery PDS. If you have another method for sending the RECON to the DR site, specify N to bypass this process.
    Save DR Prep Job in DR PDS
    Specify whether you want a copy of the DR in DR PDS preparation job to be saved in the DR PDS so that you can perform DR preparation and RECON conditioning at the DR site. This can be set to Y only when the options for processing archive logs, change accums, and image copies do not indicate that these resources are being copied.
    Disable old backup in DR PDS
    Specify whether you want to disable the previously built backup image of RECON and the IMS Recovery Expert repository in the DR PDS when the DR preparation job is executed. It updates and disables the restore job steps in JCL for the systems other than the DR preparation target system. If you have a need for this process, specify Y to have the DR preparation job perform this process when it executes or N to skip this processing.
    When multiple system groups share the same RECON data set and the IMS Recovery Expert repository, those system groups must share the same DR PDS and all DR profiles must have Y specified for this option. If you specify Y for this option, all system groups sharing the same DR PDS must share the same RECON data set and the IMS Recovery Expert repository.
    Archive OLDS at DR site
    Specify whether you want to execute OLDS archiving during the recovery process at the DR site. If you specify Y, DR preparation process generates a DBRC GENJCL.ARCHIVE command when the OLDS is in archive needed status. If you do not want OLDS archiving at the DR site, specify N.
    If you want to specify the option for OLDS archiving, specify U. If U is specified, the Edit Archive OLDS at DR site options panel (BSY$DPGA) is displayed and the Archive OLDS at DR site option is set to Y. For more information about specifying the option, see Updating Archive OLDS at DR site options.
    The default value is Y.
    Delete all SUBSYS in RECON
    Specify whether or not to delete all subsystem (SUBSYS) records in the DR RECON. If you want to delete all subsystem records, specify Y. If you want to delete only subsystems defined in the DR profile, specify N. The default value is N.
    Recover IMS catalog first
    Specify whether or not to recover IMS catalog database prior to other databases at the DR site. If you want to recover IMS catalog database prior to other databases, specify Y. If not, specify N. If Y is specified, application recovery job JCLs dedicated to IMS catalog databases will be created in the disaster recovery PDS.

    If the system is in the IMS-managed ACBs environment, you must specify Y. The default value is N.

    External Subsystem
    Specify a subsystem for coordinated disaster recovery. Both subsystems will be recovered to the most recent common timestamp available.
  8. When you finish specifying the disaster recovery profile fields, press the PF3 key. The Update Disaster Recovery Profile panel closes. The Disaster Recovery Profile Display panel opens. A message is issued that your profile was created.