CONVERT example: Generating DBRC commands

When you convert a database to a HALDB by using the CONVERT command, you can optionally specify the DBRCOUT parameter to save a set of DBRC commands, which are issued during the Takeover phase, for the Database Recovery Control (DBRC) utility (DSPURX00).

To generate DBRC commands, add the DBRCOUT parameter to the CONVERT command and the dbrcout DD statement, as shown in the following example:

//dbrcout DD SYSOUT=*
//IHCSYSIN DD *                     
  CONVERT DBD(xxxx) -            
          DSNPREF(DBSMS.DB) -
          ICHLQ(DBSMS.IC) -   
          PARTNUM(5) -              

The DBRCOUT parameter value (dbrcout) specifies the name of the DD to which IMS HALDB Toolkit writes the DBRC commands.

Out of the DBRC commands issued during the Takeover phase, the following can be used as output DD specified in the DBRCOUT parameter:
The resulting DBRC commands will look like the following example.
DELETE.DB DBD(TESTDB01)                                                  
INIT.DB DBD(TESTDB01)                                                   -
     SHARELVL(0)   -                                                  
INIT.PART DBD(TESTDB01)    PART(TEST001)                                 -
     KEYSTRNG(A999999999) -                                             
     BLOCKSZE(8192) -                                                 
     FBFF(10) -                                                        
     FSPF(20) -                                                        
INIT.PART DBD(TESTDB01)    PART(TEST002)                                 -
     KEYSTRNG(B999999999) -                                             
     BLOCKSZE(8192) -                                                 
     FBFF(10) -                                                        
     FSPF(20) -                                                        
INIT.PART DBD(TESTDB01)    PART(TEST003)                                 -
     KEYSTRNG(X'FF') -                                                
     BLOCKSZE(8192) -                                                 
     FBFF(10) -                                                        
     FSPF(20) -