DD statements

When you code JCL statements to run IMS Online Reorganization Facility, you must include the appropriate DD statements.

DD statements determine the input and output data sets and specify how to run the functions. The DD statements that you need depend on the type of job that you want to run (UNLOAD, REORG or IMAGECOPY) and other characteristics of your environment.

Your database data set names must be a total of 42 characters in length or less.

The following table summarizes the DD statements that you can specify for the IMS Online Reorganization Facility jobs.

Table 1. DD statements
DD statement REORG command UNLOAD command IMAGECOPY command
BBEJRNL Optional Not applicable Not applicable
BBERPRT Optional Not applicable Not applicable
BSNJM01 Optional Not applicable Not applicable
DDEFPDS2 Optional Not applicable Not applicable
DFSPRINT Optional Not applicable Optional
DFSRESLB Optional Optional Optional
DFSUINPT Conditionally required Conditionally required Not applicable
DFSURGU1 Conditionally required Conditionally required Not applicable
DFSURWF1 Optional Not applicable Not applicable
HRFSYSIN Required Required Required
ICEPRINT Optional Not applicable Optional
IEFRDER Optional Not applicable Not applicable
IEFRDER2 Optional Not applicable Not applicable
imagecopy_ddname Conditionally required Not applicable Conditionally required
IMS Conditionally required Conditionally required Conditionally required
IMSACB Conditionally required Not applicable Not applicable
IMSACBA Conditionally required Not applicable Not applicable
IMSACBB Conditionally required Not applicable Not applicable
IMSDALIB Optional Optional Optional
MSGPRINT Optional Optional Optional
newdbd Conditionally required Not applicable Not applicable
PROCLIB Optional Optional Optional
RECON1-3 Optional Optional Optional
STEPLIB Required Required Required
SYSPRINT Optional Optional Optional
SYSUDUMP Optional Optional Optional
TRACE Optional Optional Optional

The following list summarizes the DD statements that are used by IMS Online Reorganization Facility.


This statement is optional for the REORG command. The statement is effective only when you use the Conditional Reorganization Support Service (CRSS). The statement defines the data set for the journal messages that the DB Analyzer and the DB Sensor components of the CRSS issue. The journal messages show the processing information for the DB Analyzer and DB Sensor component, and they can be used for problem determination.

To print the journal messages in the BBEJRNL data set, you must specify CR.JOURNAL(Y). IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this DD statement as necessary if you do not provide it. For information about allocating the BBEJRNL data set, see the topic "BBEJRNL data set" in the IMS Database Reorganization Expert User's Guide.


This statement is optional for the REORG command. The statement is effective only when you use the Conditional Reorganization Support Service (CRSS). The statement defines the data set for the Diagnosis report that the CRSS generates.

The Diagnosis report is not printed in the BBERPRT data set when CR.PRINTRPRT(N) is specified. IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this DD statement as necessary if you do not provide it. For information about allocating the BBERPRT data set, see the topic "BBERPRT data set: Diagnosis report" in the IMS Database Reorganization Expert User's Guide.


This statement is optional for the REORG command. The statement is effective only when you use the Conditional Reorganization Support Service (CRSS). The statement defines the data set for the journal messages that Policy Services generates. These messages describe the processing and the policy. If a warning situation or an error occurs while the Policy Services components are in process, one or more warning or error messages are issued as journal messages. You can use the journal messages to identify the cause of the errors.

To print the journal messages in the BSNJM01 data set, you must specify CR.JOURNAL(Y). IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this DD statement as necessary if you do not provide it. For information about allocating the BSNJM01 data set, see the topic "Journal report overview" in the IMS Tools Base Policy Services User's Guide and Reference.


When the DDEFPDS2 DD statement is specified, IMS Online Reorganization Facility redefines the shadow data sets before reloading the database.

If IMS Online Reorganization Facility does not reorganize the database, the DDEFPDS2 DD statement is ignored.

When the DDEFPDS2 DD statement is specified, the following keywords in HRFSETOP or HRFSYSIN are effective for the specified members only in the Copy phase:
  • SHADOW keyword in HRFSYSIN
  • VOLALLO keyword in HRFSYSIN

The name of each PDS member must be the same as the DD name of the original data set.

If not all the members of the database data sets are present in the DDEFPDS2 data set, IMS Online Reorganization Facility, if necessary, generates IDCAMS commands for the missing database data sets.

For the secondary indexes, the members are processed for non-HALDB data sets when the members are present in the DDEFPDS2 data set. For HALDB data sets, the members are processed only when PSINDEXBLD(Y) is specified even when the members are present in the DDEFPDS2 data set.

The names of shadow data sets defined in the DDEFPDS2 DD statement must be in the form of IMS Online Reorganization Facility shadow data set (.S data sets) name:
  • non-HALDB: original dbds name + C'.S' (your.dbds.S)
  • HALDB: If the original dbds name is your_partition.A00001, add C'.S' between your_partition and A00001. (your_partition.S.A00001)
The following example shows the IDCAMS control statements specified in a PDS member.
DELETE (your_partition.S.A00001)
DEFINE CLUSTER(NAME(your_partition.S.A00001)...)
ALLOCATE DSNAME('your_partition.S.A00001')...
  • Specify the DELETE command first, and then specify the DEFINE CLUSTER or ALLOCATE command. You do not have to specify SET MAXCC=0.
  • Format of the ALLOCATE command that can be specified:
    • Standard format
      • ALLOCATE DATASET('dsname')
      • ALLOCATE DSNAME('dsname')
      • ALLOCATE DSN('dsname')
      • ALLOCATE DA('dsname')
    • Abbreviated format
      • ALLOC DATASET('dsname')
      • ALLOC DSNAME('dsname')
      • ALLOC DSN('dsname')
      • ALLOC DA('dsname')
    • Note: Data set names must be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Format of the DEFINE CLUSTER command that can be specified:
    • Standard format
      • DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME(dsname))
    • Abbreviated format
      • DEFINE CL (NAME(dsname))
      • DEF CLUSTER (NAME(dsname))
      • DEF CL (NAME(dsname))
  • Format of the DELETE command that can be specified:
    • Standard format
      • DELETE (dsname)
      • DELETE dsname
    • Abbreviated format
      • DEL (dsname)
      • DEL dsname
    • Note: Mask characters (asterisks) cannot be used for the data set names.
  • Comment lines
    • Lines that start with /* and end with */ are treated as block comments.
  • Continuation lines
    • Lines with '-' or '+' are treated as continuation lines.
  • Data set names specified in the IDCAMS command are checked in the Verification phase.
    • If the data set name specified in the DELETE command and the DEFINE CLUSTER or ALLOCATE command is different, IMS Online Reorganization Facility issues a message "HRF01000E Data set name in DELETE and ALLOCATE or DEFINE CLUSTER command is different".
    • If the shadow data set name specified in the DEFINE CLUSTER or ALLOCATE command is not the same as the old shadow data set name, IMS Online Reorganization Facility issues a message HRF01645E.
    • If the data set name specified in the IDCAMS command is the same as the original data set name, IMS Online Reorganization Facility issues a message HRF01644E.

It is the user's responsibility to provide a data set of a sufficient size (same as SHADOW(E)).

A partitioned data set (PDS) or a partitioned data set extended (PDSE) with a member name with LRECL=80 and RECFM=FB

This statement is optional for the REORG and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement defines a print file for IMS High Performance Image Copy. The data set can reside on DASD, or it can be routed through the output job.

IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this DD statement if you do not provide it.


This statement is optional for the REORG, UNLOAD, and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement points to an authorized library that contains IMS SVC modules.

IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this DD if you do not provide it.


This statement is required by the UNLOAD command if you use IMS High Performance Unload. The statement is required by the REORG command if you want a copy of the HD unload file. The statement describes a repository for the unloaded data that consists of HD unload records.

For the REORG command, if you do not specify this statement, IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates a temporary unload data set and deletes it at the end of the job. Use this statement if you want to keep a copy of the HD unload file or override the dynamic allocation of the temporary data set. If you override dynamic allocation, you must supply sufficient space parameters to avoid out-of-space conditions.

If the database that is specified in the DBD keyword has external logical relationships, this statement is ignored.


This statement is required by the UNLOAD command if you use the standard IMS unload utility (DFSURGU0). This statement is required by the REORG command if you use the standard IMS unload utility. The statement describes a repository for the unloaded data that consists of HD unload records.

Important: This DD statement is not recommended because IMS Online Reorganization Facility creates the data set dynamically.

This statement is optional for the REORG command. The statement overrides the dynamic allocation of the data set that contains only logical relationship records and no secondary index records. Use this statement if logical relationships exist and you want a copy of the WF1 file for processing after the IMS Online Reorganization Facility job step. This data set is for logical relationship records that Prefix Resolution or Update require.

Output / Input

This statement is required by the REORG, UNLOAD, and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement defines a control statement or data set that contains control statements that specify the functions of IMS Online Reorganization Facility.

For more information about the format of HRFSYSIN DD statements, see HRFSYSIN DD statement.

Free form. You do not need to code each keyword on a separate line, and each line can begin in any column from 1 to 71.

This statement is optional for the REORG and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement defines the SYSOUT output data set and output from the IMS High Performance Image Copy reports that IMS Online Reorganization Facility generates. This data set can reside on DASD, or it can be routed through the output job.

IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this data set if you do not provide the DD statement.


This statement is optional for the REORG command. The statement describes the log data set that IMS Online Reorganization Facility uses during the Apply phase. This data set must reside on DASD. If changes are captured during the reorganization process, these log data sets are registered to DBRC as batch logs. The batch logs are needed in a recovery situation.

Instead of using this DD statement, you can use dynamic allocation for the log data sets. To use the dynamic allocation for the IMS logs, see LOG1DSN keyword, LOG2DSN keyword, LOGPRI keyword, and LOGSEC keyword.

Start of changeIf you specified RESTART(AUTOMATIC) and IEFRDER DD with DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE) as described in some examples in the IMS Online Reorganization Facility documentation, you must change this DD statement to DISP=OLD after the previous online reorganization job for a specific database (DBD name or partition name) failed during the Takeover phase.End of change


This statement is optional for the REORG command. Instead of using this DD statement, you can use dynamic allocation for the log data sets. The statement describes the secondary copy of the IEFRDER log data set. This data set must reside on DASD. If changes are captured during the Online Reorganization process, these log data sets are registered to DBRC as batch logs that are needed in a recovery situation.

Start of changeIf you specified RESTART(AUTOMATIC) and IEFRDER2 DD with DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), you must change this DD statement to DISP=OLD after the previous online reorganization job for a specific database (DBD name or partition name) failed during the Takeover phase.End of change


This statement is required for the REORG command if you specified the ICDYN(N) or ICDDN keywords, which indicate that the image copy data sets are not dynamically allocated. This statement specifies the output image copy data set for each database data set being reorganized. This DD statement must correlate to the ICDDN keyword that you specified. Specify one DD statement for each image copy DDN that is specified on the ICDDN keyword. This DDNAME overrides any dynamic allocation for this data set.

This statement is optional for the IMAGECOPY command, based on the options in the ICEIN DD statement.


This statement is required for the REORG, UNLOAD, and IMAGECOPY commands if the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled. The statement describes the library that contains the DBDs of the database that you are reorganizing and its indexes. If you specified the NEWDBD statement, this file must also describe the library that contains the PSBs that reference the database that you are reorganizing. This data set must reside on DASD. When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IMS Online Reorganization Facility ignores the IMS DD statement.


This statement is required for the REORG command if you specified the NEWDBD keyword and the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled. The statement describes the staging ACBLIB where IMS Online Reorganization Facility generates the new ACBs for the changed DBDs. When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IMS Online Reorganization Facility ignores the IMSACB DD statement.


These statements are required for the REORG command if you specified ONLINECHANGE(Y). The statements describe the active and inactive ACBLIBs to which IMS Online Reorganization Facility copies the new DMB-type ACB members. These data sets must reside on DASD.

If you use dynamic allocation for IMSACBA and IMSACBB for the online system, you must include these DD statements in the JCL. IMS Online Reorganization Facility extracts the dsnames of A and B from the online system. When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IMS Online Reorganization Facility ignores IMSACBA and IMSACBB DD statements.


This statement is optional for the REORG, UNLOAD and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement defines the IMS Online Reorganization Facility output data set. The data set can reside on DASD, or it can be routed through the output job. The data set contains all the progress messages that are associated with the reorganization, in the order of execution.

IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this data set if you do not provide this DD statement.


If you requested a DBD change for the REORG command and the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled, this statement is required. The DDNAME of this statement must match the name you specify for the NEWDBD keyword. The statement describes the library to use when you request a DBD change. If you specify this DD statement, this library data set must reside on DASD and contain all DBDs for the associated databases that are being reorganized. When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IMS Online Reorganization Facility ignores this DD statement.

To invoke the physical sequential sort before reloading any data in the Reload step, you must specify RELOAD.SORT(Y).

If the DBD is an HDAM, the new DBD changes might change the randomized sequence of the database records. When the randomized sequence changes, physical sequence must be sorted.

If IMS Library Integrity Utilities is installed, the new DBD is updated in IMS Library Integrity Utilities. Use the IMSID keyword to specify the IMSID parameter that IMS Library Integrity Utilities uses. The IMS Library Integrity Utilities library must be made available to activate this function.


This statement is optional for the REORG, UNLOAD, and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement points to the IMS.PROCLIB data set. If the DFSDF(ddd) keyword is specified in the HRFSYSIN DD statement, you must specify this DD statement and ensure that the DFSDFddd member exists in the IMS.PROCLIB data set.


This statement is optional for the REORG, UNLOAD, and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement defines the database recovery control (DBRC) RECON data sets. RECON data sets dictate which databases and IMS online systems to use during the reorganization.

Attention: If you specify IMSDALIB DD dynamic allocation, do not use these RECON DD statements.

If you used JCL to allocate RECON1 as a spare data set, you must restart the database.

Input | Output

This statement is required in all IMS Online Reorganization Facility jobs and must always be APF-authorized, even if a DFSRESLB DD statement is provided. The statement points to two or more authorized library data sets. Authorized library data sets include:

  • IMS Online Reorganization Facility load library
  • IMS Utilities that are available for IMS Online Reorganization Facility
  • IMS RESLIB library
  • Any other libraries
The libraries can appear in any order.
// DD DISP=SHR,DSN=imstools 
// DD DISP=SHR,DSN=reslib
  • hrfload is the name of the library that contains the IMS Online Reorganization Facility load modules.
  • imstools is the optional name of the library that contains the IMS reorganization utilities load modules.
  • reslib is the name of the library that contains the IMS load modules.

If you do not specify an IMSDALIB DD statement in the JCL, you must specify the MDALIB in the STEPLIB for dynamic allocation purposes.


This statement is optional for the REORG, UNLOAD, and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement defines the statistics output data set and output from other utilities that are executed under the control of IMS Online Reorganization Facility. The data set can reside on DASD, or it can be routed through the output job.

IMS Online Reorganization Facility dynamically allocates this data set if you do not provide it.


This statement is required only if a dump is requested by IBM® Software Support. The statement defines a dump data set. If the IMS Online Reorganization Facility detects an error and ends with a U999 abend, this dump is not necessary. However, if any other system or user abend occurs, this data set might be required for problem diagnosis. This data set can reside on DASD, or it can be routed through the output job.


This statement is optional for the REORG, UNLOAD, and IMAGECOPY commands. The statement defines the output data set that IMS Online Reorganization Facility uses to write diagnostic trace records. This data set might be required for problem diagnosis. This data set can reside on DASD, or it can be routed through the output job.

If you do not provide this DD statement, it is dynamically allocated to SYSOUT by IMS Online Reorganization Facility.
