Base configuration modules HRFSETOP and HRF#ssid

IMS Online Reorganization Facility uses customizable module HRFSETOP, HRF#ssid, or both to define base configuration parameters.

During IMS Online Reorganization Facility initialization, these modules are loaded from the STEPLIB concatenation in the IMS control region and the IMS Online Reorganization Facility address spaces. To create one or more base configuration modules, run the SAMPLIB member HRFCCNFG.

If you need a different set of base configuration parameters for each IMS subsystem or IMSPLEX, you can define multiple base configuration modules in the same library. When you define multiple base configuration modules, the member name of each additional module must begin with HRF# and use the suffix IMS ID or IMSGROUP.

When the STEPLIB concatenation of an IMS control region contains multiple base configuration modules, the modules are searched for in the following order:

  1. HRF#imsid
  2. HRF#imsgroup

The control region uses the first base configuration module that is found.

In an IMS Online Reorganization Facility job, use the OPTID keyword with the REORG command to specify an IMS ID or an IMSGROUP. The default for the OPTID keyword is IMSID, which specifies that the IMSID from DFSVC000 in RESLIB is the suffix for the base configuration module name.

In the IMS Online Reorganization Facility jobs, base configuration modules are searched for in the following order:

  1. HRF#optid
Important: For the IMS control region and IMS Online Reorganization Facility batch jobs, the contents of a base configuration module is not merged from one level to another. Consequently, you must specify all of the required values in the base configuration module.